Finally... a One-Time-Pad implementation that works!!!

Xcott Craver caj at
Mon Jun 29 13:35:07 PDT 1998

On Mon, 29 Jun 1998, Bryan Waters wrote:

> >TriStrata has announced that is has a product that provides OTP without the
> >pad distribution problem.  The product also has a unique key-recovery
> >system.  Check out:

	No pad distribution problem, but it has a key-recovery system,
	AND the pad is truly random?

> >
> >
> >for details.

	This must be a typo:  that URL doesn't contain any details.

> I wish there were more details.  Namely how they generate their 10^30 byte
> "virtual keystream".

	Which brings up one more point:  the web page mentions the
	estimated time it takes to "defeat" an encrypted message,
	via brute force.  If it really was a one-time pad, it 
	wouldn't be possible to "defeat" it by brute-force.


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