Crypto Books/Archive

Jan jdobruck at
Wed Jun 17 15:09:06 PDT 1998

Jason wrote:
> > I have this idea bout making a cryptography program that will encrypt
> > pictures. I know that you can do this with PGP, but I mean it in a
> > little different way. What I want to do is this: You have opened a
> > picture in, ACDSee for example, and you want some of the picture only
> > for a certain person. So you chose that part of the picture, encrypt
> > it, and send it to the person you want. What do you guys think?
> Jan,

>  I can't say that I full understand what you're doing, or maybe I just don't
> see why you're doing it. If you mean that you want to take part of a picture
> and encrypt it and send it to someone, couldn't you just crop the desired
> section of the image out and save it as a different file, then encrypt it
> via PGP, etc. I don't see how encrypting part of a picture is any different
> than, say.. cutting part of a text file out and saving it to another file
> and encrypting that portion of it. That isn't to say that if you had some
> new form of encryption that it wouldn't be worth exploring, only that I tend
> to question the originality or usefulness (relative to current, widely
> available crypto technology) of your concept. Maybe you could explain it in
> more detail to us.
> ...Jason Sloderbeck
> stom at
> Plasmic Computer Systems

The idea is like with the plug-in for Pegasus Mail. You don't need to
go to PGP encrypt the message and then send it. You can do that right
through the Pegasus Mail. Same idea with my program. Would make it a
little faster instead of encrypting your piece of picture in many
steps you can do it with one push of a button.

Another thing. You're right. You can cut the piece of picture you want
to encrypt and then encrypt that little piece. But if you want to send
the whole image, and make that little piece invisible to everyone else
but the sender... this is what I'm getting at. If someone still
doesn't understand, I'll try again later.

Sincerely yours,

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