WinNT C2?

Ryan Anderson ryan at
Tue Jun 2 16:54:58 PDT 1998

On Tue, 2 Jun 1998, Jim Tatz wrote:

> Windows NT4.0 has been tested under the red book spec published by the
> NCSC. That means in effect, NT is C2 compliant in a stand alone
> environment. Howver, NT does NOT comply with the orange book spec which
> defines additional requirements when the machine is used in a networked
> environment. It *IS* possible for an operating system that is on a
> networked machine to be C2(Orange Book) compliant. Microsoft has never
> stated that it is C2 compliant on a network, however their page about C2
> and NT is poorly worded, and effectively discounts the importance of the
> Orange Book spec.
> It would be fun to get ahold of the specs from the NCSC.

I believe you've got your colors backwards here..

NT is C2 compliant in standalone format, with Posix disabled.  It's an
unusable configuration.  That's all I can remember off the top of my head

Ryan Anderson 
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