Tax revolt book

Christopher Turner cyburai at
Mon Jun 1 21:27:50 PDT 1998


my apologies if this book was discussed on the list back when it first 
came out...
in the course of cleaning up and packing in preparation for our move, I 
came across Bill Branon's first book, _Let Us Prey_. W/out going into any 
detail, the backdrop of the book takes place in present-day America where 
a sort of tax revolt is going on - over 1/3 of the taxpayers filed a Form 
4868 - an automatic extension form - and 22% of those filers failed to 
enclose a check of any kind.

There's a great part where the prez is freaking out because 1/3 of 
Americans are getting a gov't check of some kind and where the hell are 
they going to get the money when over another 1/3 of Americans won't pay 
their taxes.

I highly recommend it.

Take care all, and watch your six,

Ubi dubium ibi libertas
Where there is doubt, there is freedom  -Latin proverb

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