Video & cryptography...

Adam Shostack adam at
Mon Jan 26 11:13:55 PST 1998

Schneier, Wagner and Kelsey have done some work on an authenticating

One issue to be concerned with is that what the camera sees is not
always the truth.  Putting a film set together to film bigfoot is
easy.  The fact that the film is authenticated as having come from the
camera doesn't mean a whole lot in some cases.


Jim Choate wrote:
| Hi,
| I was in a discussion with several people regarding the rate if improvement
| of current video production equipment and how it would effect the veracity
| of video images of all sorts in future legal cases.
| Is anyone aware of anybody working on a mechanism to digitaly sign video and
| photographs (a cool app of stego I suspect)? This would alleviate a great
| deal of mistrust for security video cams and such. What I had in mind was
| the manufacturer puts a unique key in each machines rom's and when each
| image comes in a signature of the image and the key is stored in the
| interframe retraces that are normaly not shown (ala videotext). I asked a
| couple of people in the biz that I know and it seemed a new concept to them.
| Just a thought...
|     ____________________________________________________________________
|    |                                                                    |
|    |       The most powerful passion in life is not love or hate,       |
|    |       but the desire to edit somebody elses words.                 |
|    |                                                                    |
|    |                                  Sign in Ed Barsis' office         |
|    |                                                                    | 
|    |            _____                             The Armadillo Group   |
|    |         ,::////;::-.                           Austin, Tx. USA     |
|    |        /:'///// ``::>/|/              |
|    |      .',  ||||    `/( e\                                           |
|    |  -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-                         Jim Choate       |
|    |                                                 ravage at     |
|    |                                                  512-451-7087      |
|    |____________________________________________________________________|

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