Question on U.S. Postal Service and crypto

Robert A. Costner pooh at
Thu Jan 8 13:36:12 PST 1998

At 10:45 AM 1/8/98 -0800, David Miller wrote:
>> An interesting feature of the digital postmark is that the USPS was making
>> the claim that if you receive an email that the USPS send to you that was
>> not meant for you, then you have committed a federal crime when you read
>I'm not so sure about this, Robert.  I've heard the rumor that it is a crime,
>but I have also heard that if something is delivered to your box, it is yours
>and you are not required to send it back unopened if it is not addressed to
>you.  I tend to believe the latter, as it is the side of the story shared by
>USPS employees.

I wasn't commenting on the legality, but on the fact that the USPS web page
was making the claim that it was a crime.  Apparently whoever wrote the
legal disclaimer felt that email could be misdelivered in the same fashion
in which postal mail could be misdelivered and was making this claim.  I
found the claim to be nutty and made me think they didn't know what they
were doing.

  -- Robert Costner                  Phone: (770) 512-8746
     Electronic Frontiers Georgia    mailto:pooh at            run PGP 5.0 for my public key

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