Silly Shrinkwrapped Encryption

Jim Gillogly jim at
Tue Jan 6 12:15:19 PST 1998

Eric Cordian says:
> Could someone poke through Lotus Notes with a debugger and see exactly how
> this "giving 24 bits to the government" is implemented? 

Lotus produced a "backgrounder" called "Differential Workfactor Cryptography"
when they first promulgated the 64/40 stuff.  It says (in part):

	We do that by encrypting 24 of the 64 bits under a public RSA key
	provided by the U.S. government and binding the encrypted partial
	key to the encrypted data.

I haven't seen the USG RSA key -- if it's 512 bits, that would be a humorous
next factoring target.

	Jim Gillogly
	15 Afteryule S.R. 1998, 20:02, 12 Men 13 Kankin, Seventh Lord of Night

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