Fwd: Yup

Brian B. Riley brianbr at together.net
Sun Jan 4 07:54:43 PST 1998

---------------- Begin Forwarded Message ----------------
Date:        01/03  10:00 AM
Received:    01/04  10:37 AM
From:        Bruce Alan Johnson, baj at sover.net
To:          Brian B. Riley, brianbr at together.net

MISTAKEN IDENTITY: Police in Bangkok, Thailand, arrested an American
  tourist who climbed repair scaffolding to the top of Wat Arun (Temple
  of the Dawn) and refused to come down. After 10 hours, the man was
  subdued by police and turned over to the American Embassy. He
  identified himself as God, but officials determined he was Brandon
  Simcock, 27, an employee of Microsoft. (Bangkok Post) ..."Termination
  Notice. Reason for Termination: Impersonating CEO."

----------------- End Forwarded Message -----------------

Brian B. Riley --> http://members.macconnect.com/~brianbr
 For PGP Keys  <mailto:brianbr at together.net?subject=Get%20PGP%20Key>

 "Journeys are about discovery, about lives touching briefly and then 
  except on the Internet, where distant lives can intertwine, and where a 
  journey of discovery never has to end." -- 	Jim Heid

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