Get into the pay per call industry for FREE

cash4u at cash4u at
Sat Jan 3 15:09:39 PST 1998

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Hi, I'm sorry to intrude, but I had to share this with as many people as I could!
I have found a company that gives away the use of their pay per call services with no costs or lease for the lines!
I have several 900 lines for different services, and I am making some good coin from them, and now I want to help others get into the pay per call industry too.
The info I have will get you set up with the leading pay per call company in the US, and best of all...THERE ARE NO COSTS OR FEES!!

I am sending this note and asking for a 10.00 donation for the time it took me to find the info and get it to you, anyone willing to part with 10.00 will be a happy soul when they get their first check from their phone line or lines.

With 900, 800 and 011 Numbers
If you would like to make money while doing nothing...then this is the
business for you.
Programs are ready for you to choose from:
BBS Services
Live Adult 1-on-1 & 2-on-1 (Many Languages, Straight & Gay)
Recorded Fantasy Lines (Many Languages)
Chat Lines
Live Psychic
Or create your very own program!
We have over 2000 Men & Women waiting for the phones to ring!!! We provide
24-hour service, answer your calls, and pay all phone company carrying

All you have to do is advertise! If you have an Internet Site this could
very well become your Primary Source of Income

Remember, the more people see your number, the more they'll call.The more
calls you get, the more money you make.
There are NO START UP COSTS or MONTHLY FEES with our 800 & 011 NUMBERS!!!!!
You may choose one of the following programs to start out with:
Live 1-on-1
Recorded Fantasy
Chat Line
Date Line
Gay 1-on-1
Psychic Line
To start your own business NOW, send $10.00 cash, certified check,  or money
order along with your e-mail address. I will e-mail all the info you need to get started
earning your dream income.

The $10.00 is the only cost you will ever have and it is just to cover my
time and effort, there will be no charge to set-up and manage your phone
system and you will be able to check your line's stats through a web page.
Send your order to;
Rick Kowalski
617 Gateway Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
NOTE that this is a real address, not a P. O. box. This is not a scam, the
info is free, but I will only send it if my efforts are rewarded.

Have a great day,

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