HIP97 photos & hate speech in list opinions

Antonomasia ant at notatla.demon.co.uk
Thu Jan 1 03:33:28 PST 1998

Cpunks (and Bcc list),

I've had a kind offer from Judith to scan my HIP photos and
display them on the web (www.sabotage.org).  This should happen
in a few days.  The photos include Alex, Judith, DDT, Ulf, Ian Grigg,
Lucky, Sameer, Joichi and others.

Re: Hate speech and censorship, 22 Dec, Anonymous

> On behalf of the non-racist cypherpunks, please accept an apology for
> Paul Bradley's racist message:

> > uneducated and foolish arabs such as Parekh should stick 
> > to what they do best: running kebab shops and/or selling cheap fake rolex 
> > watches to tourists. 

> This does not reflect the mainstream view on the list.  ....

I found Sameer perfectly pleasant.  IMO the best view to take on
mainstream views is that you can't usually tell.  Silence could indicate
killfiles rather than assent.

# Antonomasia   ant at notatla.demon.co.uk                      #
# See http://www.notatla.demon.co.uk/                        #

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