Some children are rabid and need to be put down

William H. Geiger III whgiii at
Sat Feb 21 06:13:43 PST 1998


In <v03102807b1140738ade7@[]>, on 02/20/98 
   at 08:30 PM, Tim May <tcmay at> said:

>At 6:29 PM -0800 2/20/98, William H. Geiger III wrote:

>>No not at all. We have some serious problems with the County Sherifs
>>Department down here.

>I'm having a hard time understanding all this criticism of the actions.
>>From what I've read, the girl bit, scratched, threw chairs, etc.

>Many of us think 13- and 14-year-olds who commit murder should be
>executed (well, I do), so why should younger children be exempt from
>legal action?

Well I think that we have a large gap between a 5 year old little girl
having a temper tantrum and a teanager gangbanger going and shooting

>I know that if a kid was throwing chairs at me I'd be tempted to throw a
>punch back...something that is strictly verboten. Lawsuits, criminal
>prosecution, never work in the school system again, that sort of

Well you have definatly jumped off the deep end on this one Tim. If we
were talking a teenager going out of control then I would agree with you.
A 5 year old though??

>If a teacher can't defend herself, legally and professionally, from
>children biting and throwing chairs, the cops have to be called.

If a teacher can not subdue and control a 5 year old little girl without
resorting to physical violence or calling in the storm troopers it's time
to look for another line of work.

>And from what I've heard about this little girl, it's beginning to sound
>like she ought to be put down like a dog that can't stop biting. Or at
>least kicked out of the school completely...perhaps a reform school will
>straighten her out.

When have you ever been so quick to blindly believe the spindoctoring of
the government Tim?

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William H. Geiger III
Geiger Consulting    Cooking With Warp 4.0

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