Cypherpunk Policeman?

Information Security guy at
Sat Feb 14 03:26:53 PST 1998

   >   From attila at Sat Feb 14 03:53:19 1998
   >   To: Information Security <guy at>,
   >           cypherpunks <cypherpunks at>
   >   Cc: listproc <attila at>
   >   Subject: Bye, Bye, Guy [was The Doctor has been spanked!!!]
   >   X-Comment: Cyberspace is Our Freedom!  Your CDA is Dead!
   >       well, I hope you're real proud of yourself for being the 
   >       new cypherpunk policeman.

It had nothing to do with the cypherpunks per se,
and the majority of the documentation was from Usenet.

   >       ...just like we're all real
   >       proud to know a true snitch who thinks his dirty hands
   >       are bright white and his deeds are pure as the driven 
   >       snow while he censors free speech.


I'm just a pissed-off white guy.

And what makes you think Vulis will
not continue to post to the list?


Comeback when you figure out the complexities of feedback.

   >       John Gilmore tried to be the censor last year....

Information Security has no idea why the list owner didn't succeed.

Detweiler my ass.

   >       Pat Buchannan and ol' Senator Exon will surely be happy 
   >       to see you.

Buchannan can bite me, and Exon was an old fart who never used the
Internet, yet proposed CDA as the law of the land.

   >       dont forget F{reeh,uck} is counting on your
   >       vote for mandatory GAK and KRAP.

Louis Freeh has the morals of a styrofoam cup, and GAK will
happen over my dead body. You've obviously never read my CM.


PSINet terminated Vulis for stalking, which I
documented he did to a minimum of four people.

It took me three traffic analysis reports to convince them.

"Fire One" was a success.

   KRAP? key recovery and poopies?

   >       I figured anyone active in cp would know how to filter,
   >       or at least know where the delete key is on his
   >       keyboard; but, on the hand, maybe I should not expect 
   >       so much from some of the posters with proven first 
   >       amendment ignorance and intolerance.
   >       you really gotta blow it out, to make my filter to the
   >       great bit bucket in fiery brimstone  --you did. 
   >   on or about 980213:1701, in <199802132201.RAA11745 at>, 
   >       Information Security <guy at> was purported to have 
   >       expostulated to perpetuate an opinion:
   >   >As of 1pm today:
   >   >#   Guy,
   >   >#    
   >   >#   Thank you for the supporting documentation you've provided. #    
   >   >#   Dr. Dimitry V's PSINet service has been terminated.
   >   >...he called one person too many a 'pedophile'.
   >   >---guy
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