[FP] National "Know Your Banker" Campaign Kick-off

Vladimir Z. Nuri vznuri at netcom.com
Tue Dec 29 00:33:56 PST 1998

From: "ScanThisNews" <mcdonalds at airnet.net>
Subject: [FP] National "Know Your Banker" Campaign Kick-off
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 19:12:22 -0600
To: "ScanThisNews Recipients List" <scan at efga.org>


National "Know Your Banker" Campaign Kick-off

Following are two combined SCAN notices regarding the "Know Your Customer"
banking proposals, and our own SCAN-proposed "National Know Your Banker"

The nation's banks are planning to gradually convert everyone over to
electronic banking. A series of campaigns have been planned with the
objective of getting people to sign up for debit-cards, smart-cards, and
direct deposit banking. (Direct Deposit means that you sign an agreement
with your employer to have you paycheck directly deposited into your bank
account electronically.) Total electronic banking will result in a windfall
profit for the banking industry as a whole.

In furtherance of their goal, the week of January 25-29, 1999 has been
designated as "National Direct Deposit Week." That week, banks across the
country will participate in a campaign to condition people to acceptance
electronic "Direct Deposit" banking. According to one promotional piece,
"the Direct Deposit marketing campaign will target employers; financial
institutions; government officials; as well as community, professional, and
civic groups." During the promotional period, banks will offer incentives
for consumers to sign up for Direct Deposit; radio promotions will be aired
in local markets; and financial institutions and corporations will be
encouraged to create similar activities with their customers and/or

So far public acceptance of electronic banking has been somewhat lackluster.
However, at the upper levels of the world's banking community, the decision
has been made to convert to total electronic banking linked to a global
financial network. The upcoming Direct Deposit campaign is just one small
example of the overall plan. Here's a link for additional information:

Promoting Direct Deposit -- The Public Education Campaign

SCAN would like to propose that the week of January 25-29, 1999 be declared
National "Know Your Banker Week" to run concurrently with the banking
industry's Direct Deposit campaign. During that week, we encourage EVERYONE
to make a concerted effort to learn as much as you possibly can about your
nation's banking system.

Learn how check clearinghouses are already monitoring every checking
transaction, and how profiling is already being done in that industry. Learn
how credit card companies also currently monitor each purchase and "flag"
suspicious or out-of-character activity.

Find out how money is "created" (according to the Federal Reserve) at your
local bank whenever a loan is "granted." Learn how every single "dollar" is
loaned into circulation - at interest - which means that, at all times, more
money is owed (principle + interest) than has been "created" or loaned out
into the economy. Hence, we as a nation can NEVER again be "solvent;" we
will be perpetually in debt to the bankers; we can never "pay back" more
than has been circulated.
(For explanation, see http://home.hiwaay.net/~becraft/CARDS.html )

Learn about "fractional reserve banking," which by definition means that
only a "fraction" of the public's money can be withdrawn from the system at
any given time without inducing a banking collapse. Learn how bankers use
this "fraction" to "create" more "credit money" which they then "loan" to
you under demand for some real property collateral.

Learn how your money has been gradually debased: silver coins which used to
be made of "precious metal" have been surreptitiously converted to a
substrate of worthless composites sandwiched between two thin layers of
slightly less-worthless "silver colored" nickel to make them resemble the
genuine silver coins. In circulation, they all look the same. But the latter
versions are "worth" about 90% less than the former. Even the lowly penny
has been stuffed with totally valueless zinc leaving only a thin shell of co
pper a few thousandths of an inch thick on the outer surface to fool the
public. Seems to have worked well. Who stole the "precious" material and
substituted the cheap slag? Who profited from the change (pun intended)? Was
your banker a willing participant?

Learn how gold and silver "certificates" which were once redeemable for
warehoused gold and silver coin were substituted with worthless, un-backed
"Federal Reserve Notes" that cannot be redeemed but look exactly like the
redeemable certificates - save for the absence of any "promise to pay." Who
was manning the warehouses when this substitution took place? Your banker

Based on what you learn from the foregoing exercise, decide whether or not
the banking institution's "Know Your Customer" program is being instituted
with YOUR best interest in mind.

Use this "Know Your Banker" campaign to ask your banker to sign a simple
affidavit certifying that your funds WILL ALL BE AVAILABLE for withdrawal
"on demand" come January 1, 2000.

Take the opportunity of the National Know Your Banker Week to learn about
all that your banker has done and is planning to do (for you) as you are
converted to total electronic banking over the next few years. (Remember,
the federal government has already converted to total electronic
transactions, and it can be fairly anticipated that soon all employers will
be compelled to make employee payrolls using direct deposit so that payroll
tax payments can be collected electronically.)

Most importantly, take the opportunity of the "National Know Your Banker
Week" to file a comment with any or all of the four agencies that have
submitted "Know Your Customer" proposals.

After the upcoming holiday period, we will provide all the necessary contact
information along with a selection of sample "letters of objection" so that
everyone can easily take part in this campaign. We will also provide
material which will reveal that, in reality, under our current system of
"fiat money," ALL banking activity IS "money laundering" engaged in BY THE
BANKERS. Looking forward to your participation.

Happy holidays,

Complete detailed information on all four of the proposed Know Your Customer
regulations can be found at:

See these important links to learn more about how money is created.



Franklin Sanders - "The Money Changer"
Promoting Direct Deposit -- The Public Education Campaign
[From the pages of the New York Clearing House Association]

Campaign Goal: The goal of our campaign is to increase Direct Deposit use
among consumers by 5 percent each year for the next five years.

Campaign Activities: The Direct Deposit marketing campaign will reach
employers, financial institutions, government officials and community,
professional and civic groups. In addition, January 25-29, 1999 has been
declared "Direct Deposit Week" -- an opportunity to spur excitement through
incentives for consumers to sign up for Direct Deposit. Radio promotions
will take place in local markets, and financial institutions and
corporations are encouraged to create similar activities with their
customers and/or employees.

Campaign Success

  Over the past two years, Direct Deposit enrollment has
  increased by over 540,000 employees.

Outreach to Employers: Top 1,000+ Employers (Fall 1998)

  Direct mailing to solicit interest among Payroll Managers
  throughout New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Puerto Rico
  and the U.S. Virgin Islands

  Kick-off luncheons in September/October 1998 -- New York
  City, Long Island, Rochester, and New Jersey

  Catalog of promotional materials, offered at cost, for
  interested employers

  A Guide to Increasing Direct Deposit Participation [link]

  A Guide to Implementing Direct Deposit [link]

Outreach to Financial Institutions (Fall 1998)

  Catalog of promotional materials, offered at cost, for
  banks' use with retail customers

  "How to Guide" for promoting Direct Deposit to retail

  Media announcement to banking trade publications, general
  business media

Grassroots Outreach (Fall 1998)

Mailing of information and materials to community, labor unions,
professional associations, women's/men's groups, minority associations,
fraternal groups and civic groups.

Promotional Events and Media Relations (Winter 1999)

  Direct Deposit Week (January 25-29, 1999)

  Radio Promotion -- Call-in contest to answer "What is the
  most impulsive thing you've ever spent your paycheck on?"
  Winners to receive equivalent of one week's pay via Direct
  Deposit (up to $1,000).

  Media Relations -- Outreach to print and broadcast news
  media, both general interest (daily newspapers, local radio
  and television) and trade (payroll publications, banking
  trades); release of research survey results.

  Branch/Company Activities -- Financial institutions and
  company activities, incentives and events to celebrate Direct
  Deposit Week e.g. free/discounted services, giveaways of
  promotional items, free concert tickets or other prizes for
  100th customer to sign-up, contest/quiz with week's pay as

We welcome your thoughts, ideas and recommendations on making the Direct
Deposit Campaign a success. Please direct any questions or comments to
Rossana Czelusniak or Kathy Loy at (212) 613-0166.


Don't believe anything you read on the Net unless:
1) you can confirm it with another source, and/or
2) it is consistent with what you already know to be true.
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