Postcard Debates

Wilson, Jamie (J.R.) jwilso37 at
Fri Dec 11 14:51:47 PST 1998

Back to a previous question: how do we get the public to understand the
concept of an "electronic envelope", the ACLU has created a PDF file that
prints to a brochure format explaining encryption on a level that even the
novice of users can understand.  It is available at

Jamie R. Wilson                     

-----Original Message-----
From: Joel O'Connor [mailto:ogrenivek at]
Sent: Friday, 11 December, 1998 12:47
To: Wilson, Jamie (J.R.)
Cc: cypherpunks at
Subject: RE: Postcard Debates

Deep. . .mad deep.  I completely agree, does anyone know of any such
laws regarding e-mail?

---"Wilson, Jamie (J.R.)" <jwilso37 at> wrote:
> If everyone just encrypted their messages then no suspicions would
be raised
> regarding the use of encryption.  Most people use envelopes, plain and
> simple -- and as a result no one questions what they are hiding.  It's
> understood that mail is private and therefore people have a right to
seal it
> in an envelope and not worry about people tampering with it.  On the
> note, there are federal regulations and penalties (in the U.S.
anyway) for
> tampering with mail and interrupting the delivery of it.  The same
> should apply to email.
> ____________________________________________________
> Jamie R. Wilson                     
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Wenzler [mailto:rwenzler at]
> Sent: Thursday, 10 December, 1998 13:56
> To: Mbishop645 at
> Cc: maven at; hab at; Cypherpunks at
> Subject: Re: 
> Mbishop645 at wrote:
> > 
> > >HaB wrote:
> > ><snip>
> > >>     That's a good place to begin, though.  "Would you send a
letter to
> > >> someone without an envelope?"  "Then why not put your email in
> > >> electronic equivalent of one?"
> > >>
> > >> balance.
> > >
> > >Would I send a letter to someone without an envelope?
> > >One word: postcard.
> > 
> > Ahh, but would you tape a check for your phone bill to a postcard?
> > than writing a greeting to someone what else do you use a postcard
> No, I would not tape a phone bill check to a postcard. There is the 
> chance for it to fall off.
> There is different methods of sending mail for different levels of
> security and functionality. Some people make it obvious what is inside
> an envelope. (who would not recognize a Christmas card from the
> envelope?) Others make it as bland and normal as possible to
> have it go by without much notice.
> It all depends on how secure you want it. Some things you can do
> with what amounts to postcard security.
> What amount of security do you want for your email? Would you be
> willing to do something extra for that security?
> This type of question is up to each person. How much risk is the
> person willing to take. Each person has the responsibility to
> understand what the risks are and to decide what risks they are
> willing to take.

Ogre bounces like sonar. . .Peace.

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