What's up with the blank traffic from algebra.com?

William H. Geiger III whgiii at openpgp.net
Thu Dec 10 09:12:55 PST 1998

In <199812101555.JAA23959 at einstein.ssz.com>, on 12/10/98 
   at 10:44 AM, Jim Choate <ravage at einstein.ssz.com> said:


>Anyone know why algebra.com is throwing the blank messages over the last
>couple of days?

Well I am glad to see it's not just my node that is getting these. :)

William H. Geiger III  http://www.openpgp.net
Geiger Consulting    Cooking With Warp 4.0

Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice
PGP & MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail.
OS/2 PGP 5.0 at: http://www.openpgp.net/pgp.html

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