Fwd: Code Red privacy workshops

Declan McCullagh declan at well.com
Wed Dec 2 20:46:58 PST 1998

>Date: Sat, 28 Nov 98 23:19:16 0
>From: simon davies <simon at privint.demon.co.uk>
>Subject: Code Red privacy workshops
>Friends and colleagues,
>In 1999, Privacy International - the international privacy 
>campaign organisation - will host a series of privacy workshops to 
>be  held in Brighton throughout the year on the second weekend of 
>each month.
>The workshops will have four purposes :
>1.  To brainstorm current privacy (and privacy related) issues;
>2.  To plan future events and campaigns;
>3.  To provide occasional training sessions in technical issues, media 
>skills, campaigning etc, and,
>4.  To give us all an opportunity to network and to have huge 
>amounts of evening/night fun in sunny Brighton.
>We called the workshops "Code Red" because.....well.....because it 
>sounds cool.  No other reason.
>We chose Brighton as the venue for the workshops because of the 
>mass of PI members and supporters there who can offer a billet (i.e. 
>free accommodation if you can stand sleeping with the cat/ dog/ 
>mainframe humm/ sound system/ travelling hippies etc etc.).
>The workshops are open to campaigners, IT experts, academics, journalists
>anyone involved in the pursuit of privacy protection. 
>Chatham House rules will apply to the workshops. 
>The 1999 dates will be : 
>     January 9 & 10
>     February 13 & 14
>     March 13 & 14
>     April 10 & 11
>     May 8 & 9
>     June 12 & 13
>     July 10 & 11
>     August 7 & 8
>     September 11 & 12
>     October 9 & 10
>     November 13 & 14
>     December 11 & 12
>The Standing Agenda will be :
>Saturday 13.00 - 14.00    Amateur buffet lunch and guest speaker
>         14.00 - 18.00 :  Briefing and discussion of curent issues
>         18.00 -    :     pubbing, dining and clubbing in Brighton
>Sunday   11.00 - 15.00 :  Follow-up from Saturday, campaign strategy, 
>ad-hoc training sessions, comprehensive briefing sessions, and forward 
>planning  (can be extend if required).
>Within this agenda, the subject matter is flexible, and the sessions 
>are likely to cover a range of themes including internet privacy, 
>censorship, data protection law, workplace surveillance, 
>communications interception, police powers, national security and 
>visual surveillance.
>Anyone wanting to participate should call Simon Davies on 0958 466 
>552. There will be no cost, though a contribution of a few quid for 
>food would be gratefully received if you can afford it.
>We're looking forward to seeing you.
>Best wishes
>Simon Davies
>Privacy International  
>email  simon at privacy.org

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