Who's the Anti-Christ this time?

StanSquncr StanSquncr at aol.com
Sun Apr 12 20:20:45 PDT 1998

>The following is from an email which I received from a Christian group in
>Israel this morning. I think it makes for interesting reading ... 
>The following is a list of overwhelming evidence which supports the theory
>that Prince Charles is the biblical antichrist. Although at first glance,
>this claim may seem ridiculous, the facts speak for themselves. You owe it
>to yourself and your family to read this entire document before coming to a
>decision. What else can I say - You've been warned !!!!!!!
>#1 - HIS NAME
> Revelations 13:18 "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count
>the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is
>Six hundred threescore and six". According to onomastics (the study of
>names) "charles" literally means "man", in fact the words "charles" and
>"man" are interchangable. So Revelations 13:18 could be interpreted as
>saying "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of
>the beast: for it is the number of a CHARLES; and his number is Six hundred
>threescore and six." The antichrist is also described in Daniel 9:26 as
>'the prince that shall come'. If Charles is the antichrist then the term
>'prince' can be taken literally.
>According to hebrew gematria his name adds up to 666 in both English and
>Hebrew (ie., "Charles Prince of Wales" or "nasich charles me wales" - the
>values 1-9 are assigned to the first 9 letters of the alphabet, 10-90 for
>the next 9 letters, and 100-400 for the last four letters, (they only have
>22 characters in the alphabet.) Using this system of math, and applying it
>to the first 22 characters of the English alphabet, (the last 4 letters
>equate to zero), we can calculate names in English just as you can
>calculate names in Hebrew. 
>Riddle of the Seven Kings, (the 3rd riddle): In the Book of Revelation,
>Chapter 17, Verses 10-11, it says, "There are seven kings. Five were, one
>is and one is to be. The Beast is the eighth and of the seven." There were
>seven emperors of the Holy Roman Empire named Charles, (check the World
>Book Encyclopedia). Prince Charles' lineage chart shows that he is
>descended, through his father, from the fifth emperor of the Holy Roman
>Empire named Charles, of the House of Hapsburg. Prince Charles is the
>eighth and, (by his lineage), he is also of the seven (SEE HIS LINEAGE
>CHART - http://www.dccsa.com/greatjoy/anti.html).
>Since the antichrist will attempt to impersonate the messiah, he will have
>to claim to be a descendant of King David of the house of Judah. It would
>be virtually impossible for any jew alive today to prove that they were
>descended from King David. However, the same cannot be said for Prince
>Charles. In "The Illustrious Lineage of the Royal House Of Britain" (First
>Published in 1902 by The Covenant Publishing Co., Ltd., London, England),
>the authors easily trace his lineage back to David and beyond. The College
>of Heralds (London) has also traced Prince Charles to be the 145th direct
>descendant of King David. This claim was also made in May of last year in a
>documentary on Israeli television. Charles also claims descent from Islam's
>false prophet Mohammed. (SEE HIS LINEAGE CHART -
>Prince Charles' coat of arms and crest was designed for him by the British
>College of Heraldry, using a system of guidelines over 500 years old. It
>contains ALL the Biblical symbols of the Antichrist. It has a dog supported
>by a roaring lion and a unicorn, (called a wild beast with a straight horn,
>a wild oxen, or 'little horn'). Psalms 22:19-21 describes these animals,
>with a prayer for deliverance...  "Ps 22:19 But be not thou far from me, O
>LORD: O my strength, haste thee to help me.  20 Deliver my soul from the
>sword; my darling from the power of the dog.  21 Save me from the lion's
>mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns. " (SEE HIS
>COAT OF ARMS - http://www.dccsa.com/greatjoy/crest.html).
>Revelations 13:2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his
>feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and
>the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. The
>composite beast of Revelation 13:2, with the head of a lion, body of a
>leopard and feet of a bear is symbolic for other people--but not for Prince
>Charles. It is on his Coat of Arms. It represents the emperors of the Holy
>Roman Empire. These are the animal symbols for France, the leopard;
>Germany, the Bear; and England, the lion. These nations represented the
>western arm of the Holy Roman Empire. His Coat of Arms contains ten
>heraldic beasts, which is a first for the British Monarchy. All previous
>British Monarchs had either three or six, but none have ever had ten.
>Revelations 13:2 also says, "And the dragon gave him his power and his
>throne and great authority." The dragon is "symbolic" to others, but not to
>Prince Charles. He has a red dragon on his coat of arms. It comes from the
>flag of Wales, and it is in this title, Prince of Wales, that Charles is
>heir-apparent to the throne of Great Britain. At his coronation
>(investiture as Prince of Wales) in 1969, he sat on a chair with a large
>red dragon emblazoned on it. During the ceremony, his mother Queen
>Elizabeth II said, "This dragon gives you your power, your throne and your
>authority." His response to her was, "I am now your Leige-man, and worthy
>of your earthly worship." Leige is an old English word meaning "Lord". "I
>am now your Lord-man, and worthy of your earthly worship." Another
>reference to the red dragon is in Revelations 12:3 And there appeared
>another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads
>and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. Prince Charles is the ONLY
>person in the world to whom "And the dragon gave him his power and his
>throne and great authority" can literally be applied to!
>Another symbol on Prince Charles' Coat of Arms is that of The Order of the
>Garter. The Order of the Garter is the parent organization over Free
>Masonry, world-wide. When a man becomes a 33rd Degree Mason, he swears
>allegiance to that organization, and thereby to Prince Charles.  According
>to "The 'Morals and Dogma' of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry"
>written by Albert Pike (Grand Commander, Sovereign Pontiff of Universal
>Freemasonry, July 14, 1889) Lucifer is the GOD of Freemasonry (see page 321
>of the 1942 edition). On page 819 you will find just one example of why
>there are many people in Freemasonry who believe that it is natural to be a
>Christian and a Mason. Masonry intentionally misleads the low degree
>initiates and hides the truth that the god of Freemasonry is Lucifer,
>except to those in the 30th and higher degrees. "The Blue Degrees are but
>the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed
>there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false
>interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it
>is intended that he shall imagine he understands them." Further proof of
>Lucifer worshipping amongst Freemason can be seen in how they measure the
>year. For instance the year 1998 (up until september) is according to
>freemasonry the year 5997 A.L. (that is 5997 anno lucifer).
>The chain on the unicorn is loose, all previous coats of arms show it
>attached (see II Thessalonians 2:6). Inner motto reads "Evil on him who
>thinks evil". Lower motto reads "I serve", "Service is something that you
>give to people, particularly if they want you to - but sometimes if they
>Revelation 13:16 "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor,
>free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their
>foreheads." On March 6th, 1996 on CNN, Prince Charles showed the world that
>he and his two sons William and Harry, had been the first people to be
>voluntarily implanted with a microchip (traceable biochip) in their right
>hands,  alledgedly for security purposes. 
>On June 26th 1994, Charles announced that when he becomes king he will
>relinquish the monarch's role as head of the Church of England. He said he
>would rather be seen as "defender of faith," rather than "defender of the
>faith." "I happen to believe that the Catholic subjects of the sovereign
>are as important [as the Protestants], not to mention the Islamic, Hindu
>and Zoroastrian," he told the Independent Television network.  There are
>currently at least two biographies available on Charles that describe his
>desire to unite all the world's religions 'in order for peace' (see Daniel
>Various reports have appeared in London and Arab newspapers over the last
>few years, claiming that Charles has converted to Islam. This supposedly
>took place when he met with the mufti of Cyprus Shaykh Nazim Adil (in
>1993). Now while there's no actual evidence to prove that he has converted
>to Islam, there is no evidence to prove that he hasn't. In fact his lecture
>delivered in February 1994 at Oxford extoling the virtues of Islam, his
>frequent visits to Islamic holy places, his dedication of a South London
>mosque, outfitted in traditional Sunnah attire; and his 1993 trip to see
>the Quran of Sayiddina `Uthman (in Tashkent, Uzbekistan) with Shaykh Hisham
>Kabbani, only lend credence to the claim. Of course, this is just the sort
>of tactic to expect from the antichrist. That is to say, if he were to
>openly come out and say that he had converted to Islam, this would make
>many Jews wary of him. Whereas, if he were to spread rumours that he was a
>muslim and not publicly deny them, then he could get muslims onside whilst
>not alienating Jews.
>On June 2nd 1953, with the knights of the garter carrying and holding the
>canopy over her head, Elizabeth II was anoited and crowned as "Queen of thy
>people Israel". Both Prince Charles and his mother believe that the throne
>upon which the queen was crowned, the famous coronation chair at
>Westminster Abbey in London, is the rightful throne of King David. One of
>the reasons for this is because up until recently it contained a 336 pound
>stone known as Jacob's Pillar (also referred to as Jacob's head-rest, the
>stone of Scone, or the stone of destiny). For more information on the
>signifigance of this stone see Genesis 28:18. Legend has it that Jeremiah
>transported it to Ireland where it was used as a coronation stone. It was
>then brought to Scotland where it was used for a millenium to crown Scotish
>Kings. In 1296, Edward I stole the stone and took it to England, where it
>was placed in Westminster Abbey, and used since 1308 for English
>coronations. On St Andrews Day, 30th November 1996, on Queen Elizabeth's
>orders, the stone was taken back to Scotland and installed in Edinburgh
>Castle. I (as do many people) believe that this stone will be used to crown
>the antichrist (posing as the messiah). (See also Ezekiel 21:27, Genesis
>49:10, Daniel 9:24, and Ezekiel 37:22).
>The Pont de l'Alma tunnel, the site where Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed
>were assassinated has great occultic signifigance. The site is ancient,
>dating back to the time of the Merovingian kings (ca. 500 - 751 A.D.), and
>before. In pre-Christian times, the Pont de l'Alma was an underground
>chamber and used as a pagan sacrificial site. The Founder of the
>Merovingian dynasty was Merovaeus, said to be descended from the union of a
>sea creature and a French queen. Merovaeus followed the pagan cult of
>Diana. In Middle English, "soul" (Alma) has as etymology "descended from
>the sea." "Pont," has as a Latin root "pontifex," meaning a Roman high
>priest. (See also pons, pontis -- bridge; passage.) " One translation of
>Pont de l'Alma would be "bridge of the soul." If Charles is the antichrist,
>then I wonder what Diana would have had to say (had she lived) when he
>declares himself the messiah, and how many people would've taken her
>opinion into consideration before believing his claims!
>Many blasphemous European royalty including Prince Charles and Queen
>Elizabeth II claim to be of the Blood line of Jesus Christ and Mary
>Magdalene. According to the lie, Jesus didn't die on the cross and rise
>from the dead. Instead they claim he married Mary Magdalene and fathered a
>number of children. This bloodline is referred to as the "Holy Grail", with
>those possessing it believing themselves the rightful heirs to the throne
>of Jerusalem. They believe that a new king of "the holy seed of David" will
>preside over the "Masonic kingdom" of Israel and the world. Prince Charles'
>link to the non-existant bloodline of Christ is through the Merovingian
>Kings of France. He is alledgedly descended from the Merovingian
>Hildegarde. Princess Diana's Bloodline can also be traced back to the
>Merovingians. This is why Prince Philip selected her.
>If the above examples aren't enough to convince you then here are a few
>more facts to take into consideration ...
>- Prince Charles is heir to the highest ranking office on earth to be
>attained solely by birthright.
>- Israel became a state in 1948. Prince Charles was born in 1948.
>- In 1992 (just before the full unification in 1993) Charles applied to the
>EU (European Union) to be made King of Europe. He was turned down by the
>European parliment, but has since developed enormous support among European
>royalty and the moneyed elite.
>- Prince Charles' own business forum website is at http://www.oneworld.org.
>His World Business Forum comprises 200 of the world's top corporate leaders
>and consolidates 26% of the world's wealth. Charles is literally able to
>steer the environmental ethics & business agendas of the world's most
>powerful multinational companies.
>- The holdings of the House of Windsor constitute enormous wealth including
>the Archer-Daniels-Midland company (they are stockholders with controlling
>interest) which controls 75% of the world's grain. In times of famine, the
>royal family will literally be able to control who eats and who starves.
>- Prince Charles considers himself to be psychic and believes in guidance
>from the spirit realm. The Queen (also involved in spiritism) and Prince
>Philip both believe that Charles, "is the Chosen One - placed  in line for
>the throne through a divine, preordained plan." 
>- In 1977, Charles went to Ghana, Africa where he claimed to have had a
>mystical experience. The news reports quoted him as saying that it was
>like, "St. Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus."
>- One of Prince Charles' key men is the Canadian Maurice Strong. Strong is
>a top Illuminati operative and head of many world organizations. He has
>been under secretary of the U.N. for many years. He headed up the Rio
>Summit, World Conservation Bank, World Economic Forum, U.N. Commission on
>Global governance. He is also chairman of the Earth Council and the World
>Resources Institute and has been a top player in Planetary Citizens, the
>World Future Society, Aspen Institute, Business Council for Sustainable
>Development, Lindisfarne Association, World Federation of United Nations
>Associations, the Club of Rome, and about 30 other major organizations - to
>name but a few of his powerful  connections.
>- To give you some idea of Charles' influence: He is behind three of the
>most important documents of this decade, the U.N.'s Global Security
>Programme (he personally initiated the United Nations Global Security
>Program), the 7 Year Oslo Accord, and the Rio Summit's `Agenda 21'. Up
>until recently he headed the United World Colleges, he is credited with
>instigating alternative medicine, and with the success of the 1992 Earth
>Summit in Rio De Janeiro.
>- According to an article which appeared in the London Times on July 15th,
>1998, titled "The Charles And Tony Show" many Britons are becoming
>concerned about Prince Charles' meddling in the daily political affairs of
>the Tony Blair government. To quote the article "Charles' involvement is
>causing considerable controversy in certain British quarters, who claim
>that he is over-stepping the bounds, of publicly allowable behavior, by a
>member of the Royal Family, in daily political events.
>- In the early 1990's representatives of Israel and the Palestinians were
>invited to a secret meeting in London, during which it was decided to try
>secret negotiations in Oslo, Norway. The Israelis were represented by
>Yitzchak Rabin, and the Palestinians were represented by King Hussein of
>Jordan (both 33rd degree masons). The third party at that meeting was Lord
>Victor Mischcon (also a 33rd degree mason), and personal attorney for
>Prince Charles. 
>- Prince Charles attended the funeral of Yitzchak Rabin. Within two hours
>after the funeral, according to the Jerusalem Post, Prince Charles was in
>Prime Minister Shimon Peres' office "insisting" that he attend a meeting at
>the Orient House, (in the Palestinian sector of Jerusalem), to begin
>negotiations to give back the Golan Heights to Syria. (IMPORTANT: SEE
>- An article appeared in the Sunday Mirror on August 31 1997 (only hours
>before Princess Diana was assassinated). It was titled "Queen To Strip
>Harrods of Its Royal Quest" (by Andrew Golden). To quote the article
>"Prince Philip, in particular, has made no secret as to how he feels about
>his daughter-in-law's latest man, referring to Dodi as an `oily
>bed-hopper." "He's been banging on about his contempt for Dodi and how he
>is undesirable as a future stepfather to William and Harry. Diana has been
>told in no uncertain terms about the consequences should she continue the
>relationship with the Fayed boy. Options must include possible exile,
>although that would be very difficult as when all is said and done, she is
>the mother of the future King of England."
>- According to Prince Charles "I am sure that many people consider that the
>United Kingdom is in an ideal geographical and historical position to act
>as an interpreter and mediator between the United States and Europe."
>- In 1991, as his son William was undergoing emergency surgery for a
>near-fatal head wound, "Prince charles left the hospital to go to Covent
>Garden Opera House, where he was to host a party of European Community
>- To truly understand Charles, it is important to understand his father,
>Prince Philip. Philip is a eugenicist who wants reduce the population of
>this planet from a current level of about 5.3 billions persons, to much
>less than 1 billion within the next two generations. To quote Prince Philip
>- "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly
>virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation." And
>Philip is off to a flying start. He is the head of the World Wildlife Fund
>(Worldwide Fund for Nature) an organisation whose policies are not only
>responsible for the extinction of many species of animals but also for the
>deaths of literally millions of sub-saharan Africans. Although Philip
>pretends to be a champion on endangered species, in January 1961, a few
>months before he would launch of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Prince
>Philip went on a royal tour of India where he not only shot and killed an
>Indian tiger (check news achives for the photo) but also an exceedingly
>rare Indian rhinoceros. Only 250 were then left in the world, but that
>didn't stop Philip from shooting it. The dead rhino's terrified calf
>managed to escape but probably died later as it was so young. In a May
>18th, 1990 address to the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., Prince
>Philip asserted: ``it is now apparent that the ecological pragmatism of the
>so-called pagan religions, such as that of the American Indians, the
>Polynesians, and the Australian Aborigines, was a great deal more realistic
>in terms of conservation ethics than the more intellectual monotheistic
>philosophies of the revealed religions.'' (Like father, like son!)
>- Prince Charles may seem like a wimp, however he is quite athletic, an
>expert horseman, a qualified jet fighter pilot in the Royal Air Force, a
>qualified helicopter pilot in the Royal Navy, and a senior military officer
>in all three branches of armed services.
>- Some of the rumours to have dogged Charles over the years include
>homosexuality, adultery, occultic practices and spiritualist worship.
>- No one else on Earth has the religious, political, financial, historic,
>and other ties that Charles has!
>- Prince Charle's media exposure has exceeded that of any other man in
>- Only the true antichrist can fulfill every biblical prophecy (WITHOUT
>EXCEPTION) related to the antichrist. Daniel 9:26-27 clearly states that
>the antichrist must be a prominent ruler, (presumably a prince of Roman
>- If Charles is the antichrist then he should receive a fatal head wound,
>sometime in the near future. A fatal head wound from which he will
>miraculously recover!
>There are many more so called coincidences, but don't take my word for it,
>read your bible, goto your library, lookup old newspapers, and keep an eye
>on the so-called Royal family. Still not convinced, then read
>2Thessalonians 2:9-2:12 ...
>Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and
>signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in
>them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that
>they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong
>delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who
>believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
>You've been warned !!!!!!!

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