"Big [American] Brother" watches YOU

Mike Duvos enoch at zipcon.net
Fri Sep 12 17:50:22 PDT 1997

Igor Chudov (ichudov at algebra.com) quotes Johm Markoff

 > But government officials disputed the idea that requiring
 > decoding technology would necessarily mean the technology
 > would be used.

 > ``There is nothing about putting this enabling technology
 > into law that will inevitably lead to it being turned on,''
 > said Robert LITT [J?], a deputy assistant U.S. attorney in
 > the Justice Department's criminal division. ``From the
 > law-enforcement point of view, this is a better way to
 > provide for our public safety.''

In other news, Nazi Party officials disputed the idea that
requiring all Jewish showers to be "gas chamber enabled" would
necessarily mean that the technology would be used.

"There is nothing about putting this enabling technology into
law that will inevitably lead to it being turned on," said SS
Obergruppenfurher Reinhard Freeh, a deputy assistant Reich
Chancellor for Racial Hygiene. "From the National Socialist point
of view, this is simply a better way to provide for our eugenic

     Mike Duvos         $    PGP 2.6 Public Key available     $
     enoch at zipcon.com   $    via Finger                       $
         {Free Cypherpunk Political Prisoner Jim Bell}

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