house NSC member list

Landon Dyer landon_dyer at
Fri Sep 12 07:09:32 PDT 1997


  according to the list, smith of washington was the only "no" vote in


The following is the official House National Security Committee Membership
list for the
105th Congress. 

	 Republican Members                  Democrat Members 
        Floyd D. Spence, South Carolina,
                                            Ronald V. Dellums, California,
Ranking Member 
        Bob Stump, Arizona, Vice-Chairman 
                                            Ike Skelton, Missouri 
        Duncan Hunter, California 
                                            Norman Sisisky, Virginia 
        John R. Kasich, Ohio 
                                            John M. Spratt, Jr., South
        Herbert H. Bateman, Virginia 
                                            Solomon P. Ortiz, Texas 
        James V. Hansen, Utah 
                                            Owen Pickett, Virginia 
        Curt Weldon, Pennsylvania 
                                            Lane Evans, Illinois 
        Joel Hefley, Colorado 
                                            Gene Taylor, Mississippi 
        Jim Saxton, New Jersey 
                                            Neil Abercrombie, Hawaii 
        Steve Buyer, Indiana 
                                            Martin T. Meehan, Massachusetts 
        Tillie K. Fowler, Florida 
                                            Robert A. Underwood, Guam 
        John M. McHugh, New York 
                                            Jane Harman, California 
        James Talent, Missouri 
                                            Paul McHale, Pennsylvania 
        Terry Everett, Alabama 
                                            Patrick J. Kennedy, Rhode Island 
        Roscoe G. Bartlett, Maryland 
                                            Rod R. Blagojevich, Illinois 
        Howard "Buck" McKeon, California 
                                            Silvestre Reyes, Texas 
        Ron Lewis, Kentucky 
                                            Tom Allen, Maine 
        J.C. Watts, Jr., Oklahoma 
                                            Victor F. Snyder, Arkansas 
        Mac Thornberry, Texas 
                                            Jim Turner, Texas 
        John N. Hostettler, Indiana 
                                            Allen Boyd, Florida 
        Saxby Chambliss, Georgia 
                                            Adam Smith, Washington 
        Van Hilleary, Tennessee 
                                            Loretta Sanchez, California 
        Joe Scarborough, Florida 
                                            James H. Maloney, Connecticut 
        Walter B. Jones, Jr., North Carolina 
                                            Mike McIntyre, North Carolina 
        Lindsey O. Graham, South Carolina 
                                            Ciro Rodriguez, Texas
        Sonny Bono, California 
                                            Cynthia McKinney, Georgia
        Jim Ryun, Kansas 
        Michael Pappas, New Jersey 
        Bob Riley, Alabama 
        Jim Gibbons, Nevada 
        Bill Redmond, New Mexico

  "Democracy is government by the people and for the people, on the
   theory that the people should get the kind of government they
   deserve, good and hard."
                             -- Robert Frezza, _The VMR Theory_

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