Different Ways to Serial Murder AOL Members' Children

Alan alan at ctrl-alt-del.com
Thu Sep 11 23:47:03 PDT 1997

At 02:17 AM 9/12/97 -0400, Syniker at aol.com wrote:

>Subj:	 Different Ways to Serial Murder AOL Members' Children
>Date:	97-09-12 01:00:46 EDT
>From:	remailer at bureau42.ml.org (bureau42 Anonymous Remailer)
>Sender:	owner-cypherpunks at Algebra.COM
>To:	cypherpunks at toad.com

Different Ways to Serial Murder AOL Members' Children:

1. I already ate all of mine. How many you got that are edible????

2. Me too!




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