Mandatory key escrow bill text, backed by FBI

Mike Duvos enoch at
Fri Sep 5 20:57:58 PDT 1997

Declan writes:

> 	(b) As of January 1, 1999, it shall be unlawful for any
> 	person to manufacture for sale or distribution within
> 	the U.S., distribute within the U.S., sell within the
> 	U.S., or import into the U.S., any product that can be
> 	used to encrypt communications or electronic
> 	information, unless that product:
>   	 (1) includes features, such as key recovery, trusted 
> 	 third party compatibility or other means, that
> 	  (A) permit immediate decryption upon receipt of
> 	  decryption information by an authorized party without
> 	  the knowledge or cooperation of the person using such
> 	  encryption product; and

This is blatantly unconstitutional and breaks new ground that the
government has never even dared hint at before. 

The true agenda of the GAKers has finally been disclosed to the American

Next they will want copies of all of our house keys for the jackbooted
thugs to hold, and emergency Assault Plungers in all our umbrella stands
ready for the cops to ram up the citizens' assholes. 

This is not simply a proposed bill.  It is an ACT OF WAR.

It is them or us.  I pick us. 

     Mike Duvos         $    PGP 2.6 Public Key available     $
     enoch at   $    via Finger                       $
         {Free Cypherpunk Political Prisoner Jim Bell}

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