FBI calls for mandatory key escrow; Denning on export ctrls (fwd)

Lucky Green shamrock at netcom.com
Wed Sep 3 17:46:10 PDT 1997

Sometimes these guys can still surprise even me. That statement below is 
about as blatant as it gets:

There are a number of ways that that could be
implemented, but what we believe we need as a minimum
is a feature implemented and designed by the
manufacturers of the products and services here that
will allow law enforcement to have an immediate lawful
decryption of the communications in transit or the
stored data.  That could be done in a mandatory
manner.  It could be done in an involuntary manner.
But the key is that we have the ability.

Let me get this straight: they need *as a minimum* instant access to all 
cleartext. So what is the "more than minimum" they truly desire?

And the two alternatives Freeh proposes to obtain this *minimum* are 
either "mandatory" or "involuntary". What a choice!


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