Laws recognizing digital signatures

Robert Hettinga rah at
Thu Oct 23 11:32:33 PDT 1997

At 9:24 am -0400 on 10/23/97, Vincent Cate wrote:

> I mentioned that there were a few other jurisdictions that had passed some
> laws like this and they would like me to try to pin down which and, if
> possible, get copies of the laws.
> I remember some talk about this on cypherpunks, so I am hoping someone
> here can tell me which places (think there was some state) have such laws,
> and if possible tell me where I can get a copy.

Funny you should ask that. There's a bunch of lawyerly traffic on
DIGSIG at VM.TEMPLE.EDU, run off of LISTSERV at VM.TEMPLE.EDU. I've sent you the
welcome message under separate cover. Of course, if you'd been subscribing
to e$pam, you'd know all of this. :-). (Of course, if I could just get some
keyword searchable archives of e$pam up and running, you wouldn't have to
subscribe to a mail-firehose like e$pam ;-)).

Take a look at:

Jane Winn is god. (this week anyway)

Bob Hettinga

Robert Hettinga (rah at, Philodox
e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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