Nuke Denver!

Tim C. McVeigh tcm at dev.null
Sat Oct 11 09:12:32 PDT 1997

The Show Trial of the Manchurian Candidate Has Concluded According to
the Script

The masterfully choreographed show trial of Manchurian candidate Tim
McVeigh has concluded
according to the script, thanks to a government-mouthpiece "news media,"
a suborned jury, a
crooked Federal judge and an incompetent (or perhaps worse) "defense"
team. Part of the script
has been McVeigh's tendency toward self-incrimination:

Immediately after the bombing of the Federal building, as TeamInfinity
notes, McVeigh did
"everything but send up a flare to draw attention to himself... speeding
out of the state of Oklahoma
at almost 100 mph in a yellow car with no license plate, virtually
guaranteeing that he would be
stopped...Timothy McVeigh is a highly trained combat NCO who won a
Bronze Star for courage
under fire in the Gulf. Having been stopped by a state trooper, being
armed with a pistol, and
knowing that he now faced either execution or imprisonment for the rest
of his natural life, why did
McVeigh make no move at all to defend himself or escape, instead
surrendering like a little lamb?"

>From his arrest onward, Mr. McVeigh has filled the same role as Sirhan
Sirhan, James Earl Ray,
Arthur Bremer (George Wallace's assailant), Charles Manson and David
Berkowitz: he has failed to
contradict, in the course of the investigation preceding his conviction,
the tale the government wove
around him. If McVeigh continues to fulfill the pattern, after the klieg
lights have been turned off and
the national spotlight is dimmed, when he becomes a convict on death
row, rather than a defendant
in the trial of the year, he will begin to chirp certain truths that the
script decreed would not be
emitted during the "trial." The credibility of those revelations will be
greatly reduced since they will
be written off by the media as "jail-house conspiracy theories by a
desperate death-row inmate."
The same pattern emerged with "Son of Sam" David Berkowitz, another
mind-controlled patsy who
only divulged truthful details concerning his co-conspirators and the
other shooters, after he was
entombed in Attica prison with a sentence of 300 years. A similar
pattern may be observed in the
passive behavior of Ted Kaczynski, the alleged "Unabomber," who I also
believe to be a
mind-controlled scapegoat. --Michael A. Hoffman II Copyright©1997.

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