EVENT - Join Rep. Dreier LIVE Online Wednesday Sept 8

Jonah Seiger jseiger at democracy.net
Mon Oct 6 12:36:59 PDT 1997

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                         Government Without Walls
Update No.14              http://www.democracy.net/           Oct 06 1997
Table of Contents

 - Virtual Town Hall Meeting with Rep. David Dreier (R-CA) Wed 10/08
 - About democracy.net


Join Representative David Dreier (R-CA) live at democracy.net for an
interactive discussion of current Internet policy issues, including efforts
to reform US Encryption policy.

Dreier is a name you need to know. As a member of the House Rules
Committee, Representative Dreier will soon be called upon to help reconcile
the various versions of the Security and Freedom Through Encryption Act
(SAFE, HR 695).

Dreier is a sponsor of the original version of SAFE, and supports efforts
to promote privacy and security on the Internet through the widespread
availability of strong encryption.  However, the FBI, and Rules Committee
Chairman Gerald Solomon (R-NY) are pushing for a version of SAFE which
contains sweeping new domestic encryption restrictions.

Representative Dreier is also a leading advocate for the use of the
Internet and other interactive communications technology to make Congress
more open, accountable, and effective, having played a key role in forming
the 21st Century Congress Project. He has sponsored a campaign finance bill
(HR 1780 - http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d105:h.r.1780:) that
would require candidates to file their donations with the Federal Elections
Commission and disclose them rapidly on the Internet, among other issues
the bill tackles.

Dreier is also a member of the Congressional Internet Caucus.


 Date:       Wednesday October 8, 1997
 Time:       8:00 pm Eastern (5:00 pm pacific)
 Location:   http://www.democracy.net


The democracy.net Virtual Town Hall Meeting will include a moderated
discussion between Rep. Dreier and democracy.net moderator Todd Lappin,
cybercast live via RealAudio. Participants can join a simultaneous chat
forum to pose questions for the moderator and discuss the proceedings.
Questions can also be submitted via a form on the democracy.net web site


You will need a copy of RealAuido and a telnet application to participate.
Both are available free at http://www.democracy.net/

We hope you will join us for an interesting discussion.

  "Export controls on encryption software put U.S. firms at a disadvantage
   against foreign competitors who are permitted to sell more advanced
   software on the international market.  These controls also fail to
   prevent foreign software companies from producing advanced encryption
   software.  I support H.R. 695, the Security and Freedom Through
   Encryption (SAFE) Act, which addresses the concerns of our law
   enforcement and intelligence agencies by permitting the export of
   encryption software which is as advanced as software widely available on
   the international market."

SHORT BIOGRAPHY OF REP. DRIER (from http://www.house.gov/dreier)

Congressman David Dreier (R-CA) is in his ninth term representing the
eastern cities of Los Angeles County.  He serves on the House Rules
Committee and chairs the Subcommittee on Rules and Organization of the
House.  In 1996, the Subcommittee set up the 21st Century Congress
Project to develop and recommend changes in Congress' operations and
legislative procedures that will allow technology to make the
institution more open, accountable and effective.  The subcommittee held
two hearings on the impact of new information technologies on the
legislative process and decision-making.  The first was an interactive
hearing that utilized television, video conference technology, e-mail
and the Internet.  Information about the 21st Century Congress Project
and the testimony and transcripts of the two technology hearings can be
accessed on the Subcommittee Web site at http://www.house.gov/rules_org.

Dreier is a member of the bipartisan, bicameral Congressional Internet
Caucus.  Working with Congressman Rick White, he pushed through the new
House rule requiring committees to put their publications on the
Internet.  Dreier's office Web site is considered one of the most
comprehensive and informative on Capitol Hill.  There, citizens can gain
obtain information on Dreier's legislative priorities, access CRS
reports and other hard-to-find resources on how Congress works, and
communicate directly with the Congressman by Web mail.

Legislatively, Dreier is a cosponsor of the Security and Freedom
Through Encryption (SAFE) Act.  He is also the sponsor of the Voter
Empowerment Act, which reforms the campaign finance by, among other
things, requiring all disclosure information to be made available on the
Internet, and requiring the FEC to publish an expansive Internet site
which would contain a separate page for every Congressional and
Presidential candidate, each PAC, and every national party.


democracy.net is a joint project of the Center for Democracy and
Technology (CDT) and the Voters Telecommunications Watch (VTW) to explore
ways of enhancing citizen participation in the democratic process via
the Internet.

To this end, democracy.net will host live, interactive cybercasts of
Congressional Hearings and online town hall meetings with key policy makers.

democracy.net is made possible through the generous support of
WebActive, Public Access Networks, theSync, and Democracy Network.
More information about the project and its sponsors can be found at

To receive democracy.net announcements automatically, please visit our
signup form at http://www.democracy.net/   To stop receiving these
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end update no.14                                                 10/06/97

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