Trademarking CypherSpace???

Bill Stewart stewarts at
Sun Oct 5 19:09:41 PDT 1997

Sigh.  A company called I-Planet is trying to trademark the term 
"Cypherspace", even though we've been using it for a couple of years
in the cypherpunk community.  They're doing an IPSEC Virtual Private Network,
with friendly HTML administration; .
Looks like interesting stuff, and I wish them luck except in TMing the name :-)

I looked on AltaVista and HotBot, and the earliest reference I found
was from a 1994 article by Tim May.  I'd be interested in finding any earlier refs.
There's also a line of comic books using the name, and a Java Applet
from 1996, plus references from I-Planet in late 96 and 97.
Anybody know if the term's been used in print in the dead-tree press? 05-Oct-94  20-Dec-96 
	pointing to David Lesher's article Alice in Cypherspace 7-Dec-96 points to "Cypherspace",
	a Java Application on a machine I don't seem to be able to reach right now.

====  FROM and also 
==== ========

Introducing i-Planet's CypherSpace™ 

As part of the i-Planet Solution™ product family, CypherSpace™ allows a
company to securely link all of its locations together over the Internet by creating a
Virtual Private Network (VPN). This represents an enormous cost savings
especially for multinational organizations. 


Bill Stewart, stewarts at
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