[Proposal:] Revolving Web Mirrors

William H. Geiger III whgiii at amaranth.com
Mon Mar 24 16:27:23 PST 1997



I am working on a system of a revoloving web mirror.

The basic operation would be as follows:

1. The Server
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  The would be a server that would contain a colection of web pages that
have been "baned" or blocked due to their content by various countries. I
addition to this their would be a form that users could fill out to
subscribe to mirror a web page (details under User). The server would mail
out periodicaly to the users different web pages for them to mirror off of
their web pages.

2. The Forms
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  The Web Form for the user to fill out would give the user the options of
size/# of pages, general content type, and how often to change.

3. The User
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  The User would be able to offer some of his web space to mirror web pages
that due to their content have been blocked. The users should have a choice
of different catagories of web pages: political, sexual, crypto, ...ect.
(since they are donating the web space they should have some say in what
web pages they mirror).

  The User should be able to determin the amount of web space / # of web
pages he is willing to host.

  The User should be given the option of hosting HTML pages and/or
binaries. If he selects to host binaries he should have some selections as
to what binaries he is willing to host.

4. Links
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 Some users may be unwilling or unable to mirror webpages. That may be
willing to provide links to baned web pages and/or to the web mirror
servers. A collection of links should be made available to the user so they
can be integrated into their web pages.

5. Notification
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 Users that have subscribed to the Mirror service should be sent e-mail
with a list of web pages that meet the options that they filled out in the
form. The should be given URL's of where they can download the pages along
with the orriginal web pages URL's so they can make the final determination
of what web pages they wish to mirror.

This is just a rough outline. If you have any thoughts or comments on this
please let me know.

If anyone has server space they could donate for such a project please let
me know.


- -- 
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William H. Geiger III  http://www.amaranth.com/~whgiii
Geiger Consulting    Cooking With Warp 4.0

Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice
PGP & MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail.
Finger whgiii at amaranth.com for PGP Key and other info
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