ADV Weekly Transcripts

The Bok vincent at
Sat Mar 22 21:06:43 PST 1997

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deals with topics of interest that concern people of European
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American Dissident Voices Online Radio

The Big Picture 

A Bare-Bones Outline of Our Present Predicament 

by Dr. William Pierce
Chairman, National Alliance 

What's the most important thing in your life? 

Is it making as much money as possible? 

Is it getting along with other people and being popular? 

Is it security? Is it happiness? 

Well, of course, most of us would like to have financial security, and
we would like to be happy. But for some of us there's something more
important than security and personal happiness. I'm addressing now the
more serious-minded listeners, the ones who are capable of understanding
things like duty and responsibility. 

Duty and responsibility: those are almost bad words these days --
definitely not fashionable. We've been conditioned by the media to be
suspicious of people who talk about such things. This is the feel-good
generation, the MTV generation. But really, we know that more important
than feeling good is doing good, doing right. The most important thing
for us is using our lives in the right way. The most important thing is
having the right purpose and serving that purpose effectively. 

We need to look beyond our bank accounts and our personal hobbies and
our immediate circle of friends in order to find purpose. We need to see
ourselves set in a larger context. We need to understand how our own
lives are important as a part of the world around us: not just the world
of here and now, but also the world of the future and the world of the
past. We need to see our own lives as a part of the historical process. 

When we do this, when we see ourselves in context, then we begin to
understand our responsibility, our purpose. We begin to understand
what's really important in our lives. We see that we have a
responsibility to the people who came before us and made it possible for
us to live, the people whose genius and work and sacrifice built our
world for us, built our civilization for us, gave us our culture. We
have a responsibility to ensure that their toil and sacrifice were not
in vain. 

And we have a responsibility to the people who will come after us, a
responsibility to all the future generations of our people. We must
ensure that what we have inherited from our ancestors will be preserved
and enhanced and strengthened by us and passed on to those who will
follow us. 

This is the most important thing in our lives: understanding this
purpose, accepting this responsibility. At least, it is the most
important thing for those of us who are serious about our lives, those
of us who have not become corrupted and trivialized by
watching too much MTV. 

So we need to be concerned about what's happening to our world today. We
need to become involved in it. We need to accept responsibility for it.
That's the whole reason for Free Speech and American Dissident Voices.
It's to help with understanding what's happening, and it's to provide a
little push, a little inspiration, to get you involved. 

In past broadcasts I've talked about many specific aspects of what we
need to be concerned about. I've talked about specific threats to our
world. I've talked about the breakdown of our system of justice, and
I've given you specific examples: the acquittal of O.J. Simpson after he
murdered two people, and the $43 million verdict against Bernard Goetz
for defending himself against Black muggers. I've talked about the lies
and the hypocrisy of the government in Washington. I've talked
about the government's ruinous trade policy. I've talked about the
Jewish monopoly control of the news and entertainment media in America
and the destructive way in which that control is used. I've talked to
you about the movement to get rid of our Bill of Rights, the movement to
scrap the First and Second Amendments, the movement to make it illegal
for us to write or say anything which is not Politically Correct, and to
take away our means to defend our rights against those who want to
abolish them. 

And all of these things are important. We must look at details, we must
look at specifics, if we are to understand what to do. Today, though,
I'd like to look at the big picture. I want to talk to you about what
has happened to us, and why, and what we must do about it. 

First, let's back off a bit, so that we can see the picture more
clearly. Three hundred years ago, when nearly all of our ancestors were
still in Europe, we had a pretty good grip on things. We were involved
in the historical process. We had a feeling for our past and a sense of
responsibility to the future. No one was telling us that it was wicked
or racist or anti-Semitic or hateful to want to ensure a better world
for our descendants. That was because we still had our wits about us,
more or less, and we did not let anyone into our midst whose aim was to
weaken us and destroy us. We had no MTV. We were all Whites; we were all
Europeans. We had no slaves, no non-Whites among us. We kept the Jews in
their ghettos and very tightly circumscribed their activities. It was
just us. We had common roots and a common concern for the future. 

Now, I'm oversimplifying things a bit to make my point, of course.
Europeans did have disagreements among themselves. We did have wars from
time to time. We did mistreat each other. But it was just us. It was all
in the family. We had no aliens among us exercising influence over us
and hating us and planning our destruction. Our books and our journals
were written by us and were published by us. There was no Jew-controlled
television. Our young people were taught in our schools and our
universities by us, not by clever aliens attempting to corrupt and

And among ourselves -- just us -- we were building a great civilization.
In the 18th and 19th centuries we created a world of science and music
and literature and painting which greatly surpassed anything which had
come before. And we spread our dominion over the earth. Wherever we went
we conquered: in the Middle East and India, in the Far East -- and in
the West, in the New World. We were proud and self-confident. We knew
who we were. We were White. We were European. We did not mix with those
who were not European. When we needed land for our people, we took it.
If anyone raised his hand against us, we struck him down. And thus we
built America. And it was a strong and good and progressive nation, a
White nation. 

We did make mistakes during the past 300 years, though. In America we
brought in Black slaves to work the land in the South, and we brought in
Chinese coolies to work as laborers in the West. We kept ourselves
separate from these non-White slaves and servants, but bringing them
into our living space laid the groundwork for our present disaster. 

In France and elsewhere in Europe, we let ourselves be hypnotized by
false propaganda about equality. We are all equal, all the same, this
propaganda said, and we all should mix and be brothers, and no man
should have more than another. So we let the Jews out of their ghettoes
and we let them become citizens of European countries. They repaid us by
corrupting our music and our literature and by subverting every European
institution. One of them, a Jew named Marx, launched Communism, which
eventually enslaved half of our world and murdered tens of millions of
our people, often the best elements among our people. The brightest and
most energetic and most successful of our people were butchered by the
tens of millions by the Communists in Europe. 

In America they were not able to succeed with Communism, but they
infiltrated and took over our mass media of news and entertainment: our
films, radio, television, book publishing, and major newspapers. And
with these media they pushed the false propaganda of liberalism: We are
all equal, they said, Black and White and Chinaman and Jew, all the same
-- except that you Whites have the stain of guilt on you for having
thought yourselves better than the rest of us, and now you must make
it up to us for having mistreated us in the past. 

And with this propaganda they wormed their way into our educational
establishment, into our government, into all of our institutions. And
because they controlled so many of the media, there was hardly a voice
of opposition, hardly a voice of sanity and reason to be heard in
opposition to their propaganda, and they were able to corrupt the minds
of millions of young Americans. They were able to instill feelings of
racial guilt and racial self-hatred into two generations of young White

And with their growing influence they were able to open America's
borders to the non-White world, and they were able to force racial
integration on our schools, our work places, our neighborhoods. They
replaced our European music with jazz and rock and rap. They introduced
what they fondly call "modernism" into art and literature, replacing our
culture with a Judaized trash culture. They overturned the laws against
miscegenation. They persuaded the leaders of the Christian churches to
join their revolution against the White world. They turned our
government into a cesspool, occupied by people like Bill and Hillary

And so here we are today, at the end of the 20th century, facing the
prospect of becoming a minority in our own country before the middle of
the next century, and so paralyzed by fear and guilt and self-hatred
that while some of us look forward eagerly to our self-extinction most
of the rest of us refuse to do anything to avert it. 

Quite a mess! 

Now, I have greatly oversimplified the picture, just so that we could
grasp the most important features. I have not mentioned the minority of
Jews who never engaged in or supported the subversive activities of the
majority of Jews. I have not talked about all of the criminals among our
own people, besides the Clintons, who have collaborated with the Jews.
Those are details which are important, and I have discussed those
details in other broadcasts. But right now we want to grasp just the
coarsest features of our predicament. We want to understand, in a very
rough simple way, what our situation is and what we must do about it.
I'll spell out these rough and simple features: 

First, America has been transformed from a White country before the
Second World War, a White country in which the 10% non-White portion of
the population was strictly segregated from the White population, into a
multiracial morass today. The non-White population in America is
increasing so rapidly that it will constitute a majority, and we will be
a minority, within the next 50 years. 

Second, America's government is deliberately and forcefully implementing
this racial transformation. The government, an institution which our
ancestors created to be the guardian of our welfare, has become the
deadliest enemy of our people. It is deliberate government policy which
is responsible for the flood of non-White immigrants, both legal and
illegal, now pouring across our borders. It is deliberate government
policy which feeds and houses and encourages the breeding of the huge
and growing non-White underclass in our cities. It is deliberate
government policy which mixes the non-White population with the
White population and encourages miscegenation. 

Third, most of the White population in America is collaborating in its
own destruction, partly from ignorance, partly from fear, but mostly
from a blind, animalistic urge to conform to perceived norms of public

Fourth, the mass media of news and entertainment provide the guiding
spirit for White America's rush to self-destruction, and those media are
largely in the hands of the Jewish minority. The controlled media, with
virtual unanimity, push the party line of egalitarianism and
multiculturalism and racial mixing. The controlled media, with virtual
unanimity, push the party line of feminism and of toleration for
homosexuality and of White "guilt" for supposed historic wrongs to
non-Whites. The media, by influencing the attitudes and opinions of most
voters, wield the power which determines which politicians get elected
to public office in America. The media -- especially the media of film
and television -- have done more than any other institution to degrade
the cultural and moral level of our people. And the people who wield the
media as a weapon against us are Jews. 

That's our situation today, in very rough outline. And, of course, I've
left out a thousand details and refinements and qualifications. I've not
talked about the destructive, anti-White doctrines of many of the
Christian churches. I've not mentioned the slavishly pro-Jewish and
anti-White policies of many powerful White politicians, such as Edward
Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Robert Dole. I've ignored economics
altogether. I've not said anything about the destructive effects of the
government's trade policy. I've not explored the Jews' motivation for
what they're doing. 

I've just pointed out four basic facts: first, America is being
transformed very rapidly from a White country to a non-White country;
second, the government is deliberately implementing this transformation;
third, most of the White population is not resisting the transformation;
and fourth, the mass media, controlled by the Jews, are providing the
driving force for it all. 

What this means to those of us who feel some sense of responsibility to
our ancestors and to our posterity is that our people are being faced
with the greatest threat ever, with the threat of extinction, and that
we must do whatever we can to avert this threat. 

And what we must do -- again in the very roughest and crudest terms --
is, first, destroy or neutralize the two hostile forces which are
leading us to our destruction – namely, the government and the
Jew-controlled media; and second, start our badly corrupted and misled
people back on the road to duty and responsibility. 

I'm leaving out many important details, of course. I haven't even
mentioned how we are to deal with the Blacks in our midst, for example.
But that is a detail we know that we can handle, once we have taken care
of the government and the Jewish media and begun curing our own people
of their present sickness. 

So, we know roughly what our problem is and roughly what we must do
about it. Now we must get back to the details, because that's the only
way we can make plans and execute them. But seeing the big picture is
important in making plans, because it sets the boundaries for us. Once
we understand the urgency of our situation, once we understand the
finality of the fate designed for us by our enemies, we know that we
must either conquer or die. If we do not defeat those who intend to
destroy us, and defeat them soon, then our people will perish forever.
What this means for us is that no matter how small our likelihood for
success, we must act. No matter how desperate the gamble, we must take
it. We must not fail to act. We must not do nothing, simply because no
plan seems certain of success. No loss as a consequence of acting can be
greater than the loss from failing to act. If we are responsible adults,
if we are honorable adults, then we must act. There is no acceptable
excuse for not acting -- not family obligations, not personal security,
not career considerations -- no excuse. If we do not act, then
everything will be lost, every reason for living, every reason for which
our ancestors lived and worked and sacrificed and suffered and died. The
deadly filth of Jewish liberalism will spread over our entire race and
destroy it -- irrevocably, forever. 

I promised you details, and now I'm running out of time. But here's one
detail: no matter what else we do, our first move must be to alert all
of our people to the situation I have outlined today. That's the first
step: education. Education alone is not enough, of course, but it is

Many people will not want to be educated. They will be afraid to listen
to anything which is not Politically Correct. They will hate us when we
try to educate them. They will go back to their MTV. But for every fool
filled with hate and fear who will not listen, we will find a person who
already has an understanding of the things I have said today and who
only needs to hear us say them in order to gain enough confidence to
know that his understanding is correct. And we will find other people
who have not yet achieved understanding but whose hearts and minds are
open, and who can accept the truth when it is presented to them. 

And so that is our immediate task: yours as well as mine. We must reach
out to our people. We must alert them. We must educate them. We must
encourage them. We must inspire them. 

And here's a beautiful, wonderful thing: when you reach out to other
people to encourage them and inspire them, you yourself will be
encouraged and inspired. When you find out how many other people there
are who share our concerns, our feelings, our values, our sense of
responsibility, you cannot help but be encouraged. 

Even the hatred that you encounter from some people -- especially from
people in the controlled media -- will be encouraging. For you will
understand that they would not hate us so much if they did not fear us.
And the reason that they fear us is that deep inside them they know that
what we say is true. 

So let's get out there -- all of us -- and start looking for

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