
Progress at utkform.com Progress at utkform.com
Fri Mar 21 14:14:17 PST 1997


World Class MLM LAUNCHES even as we speak. Just 
gone public with top positions now being filled 
with major leaders from across the industry.

Your eyes have seen it first! Act NOW!

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Looking for Leaders to handle the massive 
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I am working with the frontline of the company. 
Contact me NOW if you think you qualify.

Send an Email to:  explosion1 at juno.com   with 'explosion' in 
the subject line.  I will contact you personally as soon as possible.
Thank you.

||   Do Not Hit Reply.  If you want more info, send an email
||   to: explosion1 at juno.com     with 'explosion' in the subject.
||                    This is a one time email.                              

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