ONK?: SANS Network Security Digest?

Vin McLellan vin at shore.net
Thu Mar 20 14:41:15 PST 1997

>|            The SANS Network Security Digest                   |
>|                 Contributing Editors:                         |
>|    Michele Crabb, Matt Bishop, Steve Bellovin, Rob Kolstad    |
>|   Gene Spaford, Marcus Ranum, Gene Schultz, Dorothy Denning   |
>----A Resource for Computer and Network Security Professionals---

Bob reported:

>It's an $80/yr e-mail newsletter; there are a lot of recognizable names
>there, but the thing isn't digitally signed.  Also, isn't it "Spafford"?
>Anyway, anything you know would be appreciated, and if you don't know
>anything, could you ask around (e.g., some of the likelier mailing lists
>which I no longer subscribe to.)

It's still free!

>From the March issue:

(A _great_ summary of the month's compsec events, despite misspelling
Spaf's name. _Vin)


The SANS Network Security Digest is published via email approximately
eight times per year.  It's purpose is to help busy sysadmins and
security professionals gain confidence that they are aware of the
important security vulnerabilities and what can be done to resolve them.
Subsriptions are always free for all who attend SANS and Network Security
conferences.  Others may also subscribe at no cost as long as their
subscriptions are received before April 30, 1997. Free subscriptions
entered before April 30 are effective through the end of next year (1998).

To subscribe, send email to sans at clark.net.
In the Subject: SANS Network Security Digest,
In the Body: name, title, organization, preferred email address, and, if
you also want an updated network security roadmap wall poster, your
surface mailing address.

After March 31, subscriptions are $80 per year. Send check to SANS
Network Security Digest, 4610 Tournay Road, Bethesda, MD 20816. The
Digest is copyrighted and may not be retransmitted or distributed or
copied without written permission.
<end quote>

      Vin McLellan + The Privacy Guild + <vin at shore.net>
  53 Nichols St., Chelsea, MA 02150 USA <617> 884-5548
                                  -- <@><@> --

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