Is Graham-John's inane spam robogenerated?

Dale Thorn dthorn at
Fri Mar 14 07:06:51 PST 1997

Igor Chudov @ home wrote:
> Along the lines of poetry festivals and spambots, I may suggest this.
> When I was 16, I wrote a prose writing program in Pascal. It read a long
> text and created a table: as the key, it had pairs of words, and as the
> data, it had list of all words that follow the pair in the index. The
> table was generated by a single pass through the source text, where
> there was a moving 3-word window and first two words were used as the
> key to the third word. The window moves one word at a time.
> The loop repeats indefinitely. The text that results looks like it was
> written by a schizophrenic -- it is more or less correct grammatically,
> uses more or less compatible words and seems to make sense, but the
> meaning seems to evade the reader. It is an extremely strange and
> annoying feeling.

If an actor really "gets into" their part, could you easily tell
if the schizophrenia is good acting, or is latent in the actor?
(BTW, does not apply to O.J. Simpson or Ronald Reagan).

I hope you're not writing Pascal any more.

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