Hot and cold running randomness

Robert Hettinga rah at
Mon Mar 10 06:22:32 PST 1997

>From Keith Dawson's Tasty Bits from the Technology Front....

Bob Hettinga

> ..Hot and cold running randomness
>     Perhaps for the first time, anyone with an Internet connection can
>     tap a source of true randomness. The creator of HotBits [16], John
>     Walker <kelvin at>, describes it as
>       > an Internet resource that brings genuine random numbers, gen-
>       > erated by a process fundamentally governed by the inherent
>       > uncertainty in the quantum mechanical laws of nature, directly
>       > to your computer... HotBits are generated by timing successive
>       > pairs of radioactive decays... You order up your serving of
>       > HotBits by filling out a [Web] request form... the HotBits
>       > server flashes the random bytes back to you over the Web.
>     Walker modified an off-the-shelf radiation detector to interface to
>     a PC-compatible serial port, and ran a cable three floors down from
>     his office to a converted 70,000-litre subterranean water cistern
>     with metre-thick concrete walls, where the detector nestles with a
>     60-microcurie Krypton-85 radiation source.
>     If you're in the mood for an anti-Microsoft rant of uncommon elo-
>     quence, Walker can supply that too [17].
>     Thanks to Keith Bostic <bostic at> for the word on this de-
>     lightful service.
>     [16] <URL:>
>     [17] <URL:>
>     ____________________

Robert Hettinga (rah at, Philodox
e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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