Something is genetically wrong with subhuman dandruff-covered Armenians...

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM dlv at
Sun Mar 9 21:10:29 PST 1997

Graham-John Bullers <real at> writes:

> Vulis what has this to do with cypherpunks

What has Arsen "Ray" Arachelian to do with cypherpunks?

Nothing, because he doesn't know anything about cryptography.

Graham-John, when I spoke to you on the phone, you sounded like
a reasonable guy.  Right now you're behaving like a total twit.
People are probably killfiling you by the  dozen. It's just too
bad, because I know from alt.2600 that you're capable of saying
something interesting sometimes.  Please stop being an asshole.

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     Frontal  |      ;                         ; ,--- Supraorbital Foramen
      Bone    |     ,'                         /'
              |    ,;                        /' ;,
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              |__  | ;   ______       ______   ;<----- Coronal Suture
             ___   |  '/~"     ~" . "~     "~\'  |
             |     |  ~  ,-~~~^~, | ,~^~~~-,  ~  |
   Maxilla,  |      |   |        }:{        | <------ Orbit
  Nasal and  |      |   l       / | \       !   |
  Zygomatic  |      .~  (__,.--" .^. "--.,__)  ~.
    Bones    |      |    ----;' / | \ `;-<--------- Infraorbital Foramen
             |__     \__.       \/^\/       .__/
                ___   V| \                 / |V <--- Mastoid Process
                |      | |T~\___!___!___/~T| |
                |      | |`IIII_I_I_I_IIII'| |
       Mandible |      |  \,III I I I III,/  |
                |       \   `~~~~~~~~~~'    /
                |         \   .       . <-x---- Mental Foramen
                |__         \.    ^    ./
                              ^~~~^~~~^       -dcau (4/15/95)

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