No Subject

dlv at dlv at
Sun Mar 9 16:00:24 PST 1997

	for cypherpunks at
To: cypherpunks at
Cc: jack at, murray at, nova at
Subject: Something is genetically wrong with subhuman dandruff-covered Armenians...
From: dlv at (Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM)
Comments: All power to the ZOG!
Message-ID: <RPoB4D176w165w at>
Date: Sun, 09 Mar 97 18:35:26 EST
In-Reply-To: <Pine.SUN.3.91.970306184243.12798K at>
Organization: Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.

Ray Arachelian <sunder at> writes:

> On Wed, 5 Mar 1997, Vebis wrote:
> > Hmmmm, Tastes like chicken!
> Uh huh, huh Vebis, that was like kwel!  Heh heh, heh heh!  Do it again!
> So like Vebis, how did it feel to score with a male german sheppard?  I
> bet you swallowed, huh huh, huh, 'cause you said "Tastes like chicken!"
> heh heh, heh heh, heh heh...

Why does Ray Arachelian wear jeans with cuffs?

To catch the falling dandruff.

Did you hear that after Earthweb, LLP, sacked Ray Arachelian for
spamming the 'net, he got another job at a ski resort?

His only duty is to walk along the ski trails and shed dandruff.

The 10 greatest inventions attributed to Armenians:

The solar-powered flashlight.

The pencil with erasers on both ends.

The vodka bottle with a magnifying bottom for watching television.

The parachute that opens on impact.

The artificial dandruff for wig wearers.

The waterproof tea bag.

The reusable non-stick toilet paper.

Traffic light with a candle inside.

The padlock key escrow.

Wheelchair with pedals.

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