Anguilla is not Marxist!

Vincent Cate vince at
Sat Mar 8 20:08:32 PST 1997

> The Minister of Finance in Anguilla is a nice guy, but
> he did his graduate degree in economics at The New School for Social
> Research here in New York City, which just happens to be attached to the
> computer lab where I teach; and I know for a fact that the graduate
> studies division is the last bastion of Marxist economic theory in
> America. 
> [...]  Of course,
> the Anguillan Minister of Finance may have undergone a subsequent
> philosophical conversion to the free market (just like Deng, right?) but
> his country shows few signs of libertarian ideology; e.g. they have a
> state-owned radio station, they haven't quite embraced the idea of
> competitive bids for government projects, and they still have a
> monopolistic phone service that has disabled all the pound and star keys
> on island phones so that people can't save money using American call-back
> services. 

Hold it right there!  There is no Marxism or socialism in Anguilla.  We
don't even have income tax!  They are not busy redistributing wealth here. 
They let you keep your own wealth in Anguilla.  Get a clue!

The current minister of finance is not at all responsible for the Cable
and Wireless monopoly.  It was the previous government that set them up
and the current government is not happy about it. 

It is absurd to assume that since 20 years ago our Minister of Finance
went to some school you are attached to, and you have noticed Marxists
there, that he is anything close to a Marxist or to assume anything at all
about Anguilla.  After all, you are currently near this school, so by your
logic you must have caught the infection too.  Yet you claim to be a

The USA had a monopoly phone company not that long ago.  You might say
that Anguilla is behind the US in terms of telecom policy.  But to yell
communism is totally nuts.

Please.  Be reasonable.

    --  Vince

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