The Grand Compromise is Coming

Bill Stewart stewarts at
Thu Jun 26 02:26:22 PDT 1997

>> This is why I think the "use of a special language or
>> whispering in furtherance of a crime" provisions of SAFE will probably be
>> struck down by the Supremes, unless they, too, have forgotten what the
>> Constitution is all about.)
>  Ebonics has to be a natural candidate for pleading this to the
>  How about five years for calling a drug "Mary Jane" when writing
> it down, four years for "marijuana", three and a half years for
> "marihuana" and six months for "Cannibus Sativa." Calling it
> simply "Killer shit, man!" would be acceptable.

Back when marijuana was illegal in Oklahoma, during the anti-war years
when everybody was paranoid that their phones were tapped by the FBI,
a friend of mine would occasionally have phone conversations like
	"Hey, Steve, I just got some .... Beer.  Want to come over?"
	"Yeah, Joe, I'd really like some .... Beer.  I'll be there
	in about an hour.  Should I bring some .... Pizza?"

#			Thanks;  Bill
# Bill Stewart, +1-415-442-2215 stewarts at
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