Party on IRC

Kevin L Prigge Kevin.L.Prigge-2 at
Mon Jun 23 14:59:14 PDT 1997

Leonard Janke said:
> ?
> Didn't look into it too closely, but I noticed it doesn't do 
> authentication.

Circ uses 3DES for encryption and does key exchange with RSA. 
It runs on top of irc, and encrypts/decrypts by running a program
in the backgound. There is also a standalone client.

I'm not sure that authentication is wanted or needed for irc. 
There have been a lot of problems with people grabbing a list 
of everyone on irc at a given time, then e-mailing them spam 
or vague threats. ircd 2.9.2 implements the +a mode for channels
which somehow disallows listing user information even if you are
on the channel with them.

Kevin L. Prigge                     | "The only thing that saves us from
Systems Software Programmer         | the bureaucracy is it's
Enterprise Internet Services        | inefficiency." - Eugene McCarthy
University of Minnesota             |

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