spam on this list

bennett_t1 at bennett_t1 at
Mon Jun 23 09:00:52 PDT 1997

Tim May wrote:

> At 7:51 PM -0700 6/22/97, Jason William RENNIE wrote:
> >Thats fine but, i dont want to be invited to look at nasty naked
> >cheerleaders. And isn't it somewhat problematic when a 15 yr old
> looks at
> >the mail box ?? BEsides i hate junk mail too, and if i could stick a
> no
> >junk mail sticker on my email i would.

Alrighty, see that little key on your keyboard that says "Delete?"  I
learned to use that if I don't want to be bothered by spam.  Whining
about it does nothing.  Or you can do the anti-spamming e-mail address

> You're on the wrong list. We favor free speech, including inviting
> 15-year-olds to look at pictures of their choosing on the Net. They
> don't
> _have_ to look, after all.

I think people need to learn that if you don't like it, don't watch it.
Out of sight, out of mind.

> Perhaps you should join forces with Sen. McCain and Sen. Feinswine, or
> your
> versions in your own country. Or move to Iran. Or something.

That McCain with his little "Secure Public Networks Act."  That was the
best example that CONgress just doesn't give a rat's arse about us.
They trigger the "nay" key whenever someone says those magic little
words: Child Pornongraphy.  About .02% of America trades kiddie porn,
and I bet half of them don't even use PGP.  But then again,
congresscritters don't know shit about technology.

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