Fw: Advance Bank launches ecash

Lynne L. Harrison lharrison at mhv.net
Fri Jun 20 10:19:24 PDT 1997

At 09:50 AM 6/20/97 -0700, Tim May wrote:
>>>Thank you for being so patient.  ecash is now available from our web site
>>>at:  http//www.advance.com.au/ecash

>I was unable to connect to the listed URL, but I rather suspect this is not
>a form of "e-cash" that is of much interest or use to Cypherpunks.
>No mention of "untraceable" or "anonymous" or "Chaum." And no mention of
>"Digicash," except in your (Wayne's) introduction; Digicash is, rightly or
>wrongly, a trademark of the company with the same name.

The URL is workable, i.e., I was able to connect.

Perusing the site, under "Advance Bank and ecash security", it states:
"ecash uses military grade security technology. Used in conjunction with
our secure Internet Banking program, we have taken maximum precautions to
restrict access to your bank account or ecash."

Under "military grade security technology" (which is an embedded link), it
"Military grade security - ecash uses public key cryptology to protect your
money as it passes over the Internet. Each user has two keys - a public
key, used to encrypt information, and a private key which is kept secret
and used to decipher information.  More specifically, a combination of
3xDES, 512RSA and 1024RSA in conjunction with the 128 IDEA encryption used
in the Internet Banking program, means your money and account information
will be secure." 

Lynne L. Harrison, Esq.       |    "The key to life:
Poughkeepsie, New York        |     - Get up;
lharrison at mhv.net             |     - Survive;
http://www.dueprocess.com     |     - Go to bed."

DISCLAIMER:  I am not your attorney; you are not my client.
             Accordingly, the above is *NOT* legal advice.

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