Anonymous proxies & ITAR question

William H. Geiger III whgiii at
Tue Jun 17 00:53:06 PDT 1997


In <Pine.GSO.3.95.970617010815.5659A-100000 at ece>, on 06/17/97 
   at 12:14 AM, Ryan Anderson <randerso at> said:

>On Mon, 16 Jun 1997, William H. Geiger III wrote:

>> If I went and rented a truck and there was a "roach" in the ashtray I
>> should not be held accountable for possesion unless it could be proved
>> that it was mine and not from someone else that had used the truck or even
>> a worker at the retal shop.

>But if you drive for several miles, and get pulled over for speeding, the
>fact that it's still in the truck is probably going to land you in jail,
>if the cop finds some reason to search the truck.  (The smell of
>marijuana or seeing the roach sitting the ashtray are valid reasons I

>If you haven't disposed of it, you're probably going to land in jail.
>>From the law enforcement's point of view, can you see any difference
>between your story and that of a person who's actually smoking?  (Honest
>officer, it was in the truck when I got in!)  the evidence is there, and
>you'll probably need to depend on character witnesses to get out of a

Well usually when someone gets nailed on somthing like this its in their
own vehicle. I would think that with it being a rental that one would have
plausible deniability and additional evidence would be required.

Ofcource if when you roll down the window a big cloud of some rolls out
(ala cheech & chong) that's another matter. :)

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William H. Geiger III
Geiger Consulting    Cooking With Warp 4.0

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