Wired News' War Correspondent on kiddie porn

Rich Graves llurch+spamfilter at stanford.edu
Fri Jun 13 22:46:00 PDT 1997

> http://www.wired.com/news/culture/story/4437.html
>   Hacker Vows 'Terror' for Child Pornographers
>   by Steve Silberman
>   "Basically, we're talking about a Dirty Harry attitude," one network
>   technician/cypherpunk told Wired News. Though he senses "real feeling"
>   behind Se7en's battle cry, he feels that the best way to deal with
>   pornographers is to "turn the police loose on them."

Grr. Didn't notice that on first reading. Of course I meant evidence of
criminal child abuse that Mike Godwin considers illegal, not "pornography."
Since he snipped my name on request, though, I suppose I can't really


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