(Fwd) FWD: Texas Driver's License database on the web

Robert A. Costner pooh at efga.org
Wed Jun 11 17:16:12 PDT 1997


At 05:01 PM 6/11/97 -0400, Ryan Anderson wrote:
>The (very very very very very) minor redeeming factor is that you have to
>be someone with knowledge of someone's valid Texas driver's license.  So
>it's not *FULLY* available on the net.  Though, someone will probably leak
>a userid in the next week or so, and then anyone can use it...

I am not in Texas, and I have used the system.  I took email name I suspected 
were in Texas and started looking up voter and DMV info.  Some I couldn't 
find, but I hit several people I have never met.  For some, I did a whois on 
their domain name and used that city to narrow the search.

I understand the site is now password protected, but they offer accounts to 
others who are not in Texas.

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  -- Robert Costner                  Phone: (770) 512-8746
     Electronic Frontiers Georgia    mailto:pooh at efga.org  
     http://www.efga.org/            run PGP 5.0 for my public key

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