(Fwd) FWD: Texas Driver's License database on the web

Peter Trei trei at process.com
Wed Jun 11 12:50:30 PDT 1997

Just in case it's not clear from the headers, this is being posted
by Peter Trei.

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Some forwards removed.

From: Jim Thompson <jim at hosaka.SmallWorks.COM>

I got a '503 Service Unavailable  this server has been placed offline
by the operator.  Please try again later.'  response the first two
times I tried.  But then...

Oh look.  A record of which elections in which you've voted.

If you don't think this is the likely future, you're dead wrong.


From: Brent Heustess <heustess at mail.utexas.edu>

   This is a really spooky web site <http://www.publiclink.com>.  You can
search 17 million Texas drivers by name, driver's license number or
license plate number.  When you find a person, you can then find everyone
at that address with a license.  You can even find everyone with the same
9-digit zip code.  The record does not have a GIF of the photo, but it
has everything else on the license.

   Did Psychos-R-Us request this site?  "Could you create a database so I
don't miss anyone when I go on a killing spree on the 900 block of
   "28 my ass.  I just checked the web and it says you were born 1965.  Not
ready to admit to be post-30?  I'm not buying the 'I weigh 110' either.  I
read 118 plain as day."
   "I can't believe it.  That asshole just cut me off.  Well, Mr. ZBW-446,
I guess a little midnight visit is in order to 1918 Grover St.  Prepare to
be stalked."
   "Johnny, I looked up your record last night and I couldn't believe my
eyes.  You're livin' in sin with that Sally Jenkins slut.  How could you do
this to your Dad & me?  You move out now or we're gonna cut off your
college money!"

   Public Link says this is public information, but where are the good old
days when you had to have a friend down at the Dept of Public Safety who
would look plate numbers up for you?  If it was good enough for Rockford,
it's good enough for me.  Suprress your phone number & address from the
phone book, but then it shows up in a searchable database on the web.
Lot of good that did you.  Now all those 7th Day Adventists know excatly
where you live.  Privacy, schmivacy.


                        Public Link Corporation
                   Public Databases on the Internet

             5930-E Royal Lane Ste 173, Dallas, TX 75230
                            (214) 890-6817

Welcome to Public Link Corp., the Information Source of the Internet.
We are here to provide public access to public information and public

The company uses data obtained from public sources currently available
through the Freedom of Information Act and Open Records Laws. We
believe it is the citizen's right to have this information available
for their use.

We expect to grow our database offerings to you over the next several
months. Many times you have needed the type of information we provide
and have had to use varous methods to obtain the information. Some of
these methods you would prefer not to have to use again. Not any more!
Just sit back and let us do the work for you. If you have a special
suggestions or request, please let us know. Come and join us as we
enter the information age!

- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------

State of Texas Licensed Drivers. Over 17,000,000 Texas Drivers License
Information. Updated weekly. This database contains the information
contained on a person's drivers license. Data included are Name,
Address, Weight, Birth Date, Sex, Expiration Date, Status (Active or
Suspended), Class of License, and Restrictions. This database does not
contain information on a person's traffic tickets, DWIs, or Insurance
information. Search either by name or if you know the drivers license
number, search by number.

State of Texas License Plates. Over 16,000,000 license plates with
accompaning information. Updated weekly. This database contains the
information about the owner of a vehicle. This database does not
contain insurance information. Search currently only available by
plate number.

Registered voter role for Dallas County Texas. This database also
contains voting history for each of the one million registered voters.
This database is updated quarterly.






- --
Jim Thompson / Smallworks, Inc. / jim at smallworks.com
      512 338 0619 phone / 512 338 0625 fax
HTML:  The 3270 of the 90s

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