Intro to Cyptosystems talk 6/23 7pm

Robert Hettinga rah at
Mon Jun 9 20:37:59 PDT 1997

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Sender: net-thinkers at
Reply-To: Vinnie Moscaritolo <vinnie at>
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Date:  Mon, 9 Jun 1997 14:32:34 -0700
From: Vinnie Moscaritolo <vinnie at>
To: Multiple recipients of <net-thinkers at>
Subject:  Intro to Cyptosystems talk 6/23 7pm

ever wondered what the buzz about cryptography is all about..

You are all welcome to attend my "Introduction to Cyptosystems"  tutorial at
the BMUG South meeting.. It's open to the public.

When:  Monday, Jun 23
Time:  7:00 PM
Where:  Town Hall, Apple R&D Campus (blding 5)
How long: 60 mins or so?


Q: Why should you care about this stuff..?

A: The internet is not a secure channel,  It's easy intercept your email or
files or even know what webpages youve been looking at. Cryptography is a
tool that provides you privacy and protection from competitors and the news
media scum. How much do you trust to the internet?

Cryptography is also the best protector of the most cherished civil
liberty: "the freedom of speech"

Q: But I have no secrets to keep?

A: Cryptography is not just about secrets, In addition to providing
confidentiality, modern cryptography holds the  building blocks necessary
for successful electronic commerce.

	The receiver of a message can  ascertain it's origin;
	 an intruder should not be able to masquerade as someone else.

	The receiver of a message can ensure that the data has not
	been modifed in transit;  an intruder should not be able to
	substitute a false message for a legitimate one.

	A sender should not be able to falsely deny that he sent a message

Q:Why should I care about electronic commerce. Apple hasnt done anything
with it?

A:  That the point of this talk. E-Commerce will be a bigger market than
anything we have ever been in before.  Ask yourself, What is the biz
proposition  for anyone publishing on the NET and the answer will be net

Q: what will you talk about

    What is Cryptography
	What it's used for
	How Cryptosystems work
	secret/public key encyption,
	digital signitures,
	modern crypto systems
	key management,
	Governement Issues

    This talk is NOT aboutŠ
	Theoretical Mathematics
	Programming APIs
	Specific Products

	Who this talk is for
	Marketing Evangelist Engineer
	Anyone who needs to be Crypto competent

There is a PDF of the slides at

Vinnie Moscaritolo
That Crypto Guy at Apple...
Fingerprint: 4FA3298150E404F2782501876EA2146A

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Robert Hettinga (rah at, Philodox
e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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