CFP: 1998 Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security

Robert Hettinga rah at
Mon Jun 9 08:02:11 PDT 1997

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Date: Fri, 6 Jun 1997 15:05:43 -0700
From: bishop at (Matt Bishop)
To: ipsec at
Subject: CFP: 1998 Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security
Sender: owner-ipsec at
Precedence: bulk


The Internet Society Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security

Where: San Diego, California
When: March 1998

GOAL: The symposium will foster information exchange between hardware and
software developers of network and distributed system security services.
The intended audience is those who are interested in the practical aspects
of network and distributed system security, focusing on actual system
design and implementation, rather than theory.  Encouraging and enabling
the Internet community to apply, deploy, and advance the state of available
security technology is the major focus of symposium.  Symposium proceedings
will be published by the Internet Society.  Topics for the symposium
include, but are not limited to, the following:

* Architectures for large-scale, heterogeneous distributed systems
* Security in malleable systems: mobile code, mobile agents, dynamic policy
  updates, etc.
* Special problems: e.g. interplay between security goals and other goals --
  efficiency, reliability, interoperability, resource sharing, and cost.
* Integrating security services with system and application security
  facilities and with application protocols, including message handling,
  file transport, remote file access,  directories, time synchronization,
  data base management, routing, voice and video multicast, network
  management, boot services, and mobile computing.
* Fundamental services:  authentication, integrity, confidentiality,
  authorization, non-repudiation, and availability.
* Supporting mechanisms and APIs: key management and certification
  infrastructures, audit, and intrusion detection.
* Telecommunications security, especially for emerging technologies -- very
  large systems like the Internet, high-speed systems like the gigabit
  testbeds, wireless systems, and personal communication systems.
* Controls: firewalls, packet filters, application gateways
* Object security and security objects
* Network information resources and tools such as World Wide Web (WWW),
  Gopher, Archie, and WAIS.
* Electronic commerce:  payment services, fee-for-access, EDI, notary;
  endorsement, licensing, bonding, and other forms of assurance; intellectual
  property protections

	David Balenson, Trusted Information Systems
	Matt Bishop, University of California at Davis
	Steve Kent, BBN
	Steve Bellovin, AT&T Labs -- Research
	Doug Engert, Argonne National Laboratories
	Warwick Ford, VeriSign
	Li Gong, JavaSoft
	Rich Graveman, Bellcore
	Ari Juels, RSA Laboratories
	Tom Longstaff, CERT/CC
	Doug Maughan, National Security Agency
	Dan Nessett, 3Com Corporation
	Rich Parker, NATO
	Michael Roe, Cambridge University
	Rob Rosenthal, DARPA
	Wolfgang Schneider, GMD Darmstadt
	Christoph Schuba, Purdue University
	Win Treese, Open Market, Inc.
	Jonathan Trostle, Novell
	Gene Tsudik, USC/Information Sciences Institute
	Steve Welke, Institute for Defense Analyses
	Thomas Hutton, San Diego Supercomputer Center
	Steve Welke, Institute for Defense Analyses
	Torryn Brazell, Internet Society

SUBMISSIONS: The committee invites technical papers and panel
proposals, for topics of technical and general interest.  Technical
papers should be 10-20 pages in length.  Panel proposals should be two
pages and should describe the topic, identify the panel chair, explain
the format of the panel, and list three to four potential panelists.
Technical papers will appear in the proceedings.  A description of each
panel will appear in the proceedings, and may at the discretion of the
panel chair, include written position statements from each panelist.

Each submission must contain a separate title page with the type of
submission (paper or panel), the title or topic, the names of the
author(s), organizational affiliation(s), telephone and FAX numbers,
postal addresses, Internet electronic mail addresses, and must list a
single point of contact if more than one author.  The names of authors,
affiliations, and other identifying information should appear only on
the separate title page.

Submissions must be received by 1 August 1997, and should be made via
electronic mail in either PostScript or ASCII format.  If the committee
is unable to print a PostScript submission, it will be returned and
hardcopy requested.  Therefore, PostScript submissions should arrive
well before 1 August.  If electronic submission is difficult,
submissions should be sent via postal mail.

All submissions and program related correspondence (only) should be
directed to the program chair:  Matt Bishop, Department of Computer
Science, University of California at Davis, Davis CA  95616-8562,
Email: sndss98-submissions at Phone: +1 (916) 752-8060,
FAX: +1 (916) 752-4767,

Dates, final call for papers, advance program, and registration
information will be available at the URL:

Each submission will be acknowledged by e-mail.  If acknowledgment is
not received within seven days, please contact the program chair as in-
dicated above.  Authors and panelists will be notified of acceptance by
1 October 1997.  Instructions for preparing camera-ready copy for the
proceedings will be sent at that time.  The camera-ready copy must be
received by 1 November 1997.

--- end forwarded text

Robert Hettinga (rah at, Philodox
e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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