Webpage picketing (fwd)

William H. Geiger III whgiii at amaranth.com
Wed Jun 4 19:44:29 PDT 1997


In <199706050148.UAA04173 at einstein.ssz.com>, on 06/04/97 
   at 08:48 PM, Jim Choate <ravage at EINSTEIN.ssz.com> said:


>Forwarded message:

>> From: "William H. Geiger III" <whgiii at amaranth.com>
>> Date: Wed, 04 Jun 97 10:00:46 -0500
>> Subject: Re: Webpage picketing (fwd)

>> I think that your analogy is slightly flawed.
>> While the farmers have a right to protest on the side of the road they do
>> not have a right to interfere with the travelers on the road.

>Correct and using my model would in no way interfere with a users use of
>the network. It would not add excessive delay or other impedemants. It
>would be a one time event that occured when the site was initialy
>accessed. Much like having to go past the picketers on the side of the
>road at least once.

I guess we will have to agree to disagree. If I am stoped even once that
is one time too many. In the real world if a group of picketers try to
impead my entrance to a store parking lot the growl of a 427 does alot to
convince them of the errors of their ways. :)

>> There is no real way you could picket on the "Info highway" as you have no
>> right to interfere with the packets traveling on the highway. You can
>> stand of to the side if you want but somehow I don't think that the
>> packets will be watching. :)

>If it is a fully privately funded highway, I agree. If it accepts public
>money I obviously disagree with you. As to the packets watching, no more
>so than the cars being used are watching the picketers. This is a straw
>man argument. The issue here is not the packets but the paticipants.

Yes and it is the participants who are sending the packets. If I am
sending packets between point A & B you have no right to interfere with
those transmisions. You donot have the right to re-route them or substute
them for others. If you have somthing to say put up a web page and if I am
interested I'll stop by and take a look. You don't have the right to force
me to look. To do so would be a serious perversion of the 1st Amendment.

- -- 
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William H. Geiger III  http://www.amaranth.com/~whgiii
Geiger Consulting    Cooking With Warp 4.0

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