
Paul Bradley paul at
Tue Jun 3 17:14:29 PDT 1997

> Hallam-Baker, realizing he is a soft target, wrote:
> > Appologists for McVeigh should consider that his actions did not
> > advance the militia cause an iota, it destroyed it and along with
> > it much of the right wing fringe.
>   Or perhaps just sent more people underground.
>   Many remarked that the Jim Bell arrest chilled the free speech
> of many list members but there are now at least two active AP Bots
> on the internet.
>   I haven't noticed anybody "apologizing" for McVeigh or Bell.
> There are merely those who act or who don't act.

I would say that the visible and government-vilified militia groups have 
been damaged by this, because of the killing of innocents. Where is the 
second AP bot, I know about the one at sympatico.......

        Datacomms Technologies data security
       Paul Bradley, Paul at
  Paul at, Paul at    
      Email for PGP public key, ID: FC76DA85
     "Don`t forget to mount a scratch monkey"

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