Comments on the Macintosh

Adam Back aba at
Mon Jun 2 17:06:07 PDT 1997

Vinnie Moscaritolo <vinnie at> writes:
> Tim May <tcmay at> writes:
> >.the Mac OS is of course still missing basic OS features such as... memory
> >>protection.)
> Tim,.I am suprised to hear you whining with such a liberals voice..  I
> always thought that  demanding memory protection in an OS  is a lot like
> demanding that the government is responsible for protecting you from
> anything that might go bad.. If applications are well written, then you
> really dont need the memory partitions in a personal computer.

Are you serious?  Or are you pulling our leg?

>  That is if application writers would take responsibility for thier own
> apps... 

People write crap software.  Microsoft writes crap software.  If the
OS reboots or freezes every time a microsoft app dumps core on you, it
gets tedious.  If you are developing software you don't want a reboot
just 'cause you got a stray pointer.

Real multi-tasking is kind of nice too, like when the mouse cursor
still functions, and your system still runs while copying a file to a
floppy disk.  (The entire system freezes for the duration of the
operation with win3.1, and I think it is still noticeable in win95.
Linux where as you wouldn't know there was a floppy being copied if
you didn't glance down at the drive light.)

Have *you* exported RSA today? -->

print pack"C*",split/\D+/,`echo "16iII*o\U@{$/=$z;[(pop,pop,unpack"H*",<>

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