Jim Bell Defense fund

Alan Olsen alan at ctrl-alt-del.com
Sun Jun 1 10:07:25 PDT 1997

At 11:41 AM 6/1/97 -0500, Igor Chudov @ home wrote:
>I guess everyone has forgotten about Jim Bell, but he is in no less
>need of help than he used to be.

Coverage locally has been pretty nil as of late.  I guess they are hopeing
that people will just forget.

>I would like to know how to help him, and suggest to organize his
>legal defense fund.

I am willing to contibute to it.  Anyone out there willing to keep track of
the money and make sure it gets to Jim?

I am resisting the temptation (OK, not very much) that we should set up his
defense fund ala AP betting, but at this point it is probably not that

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