Entrust Technologies's Solo - free download

Dr. Jai Maharaj jai at mantra.com
Wed Jul 30 16:37:19 PDT 1997

At 4:03 PM 7/30/97 -0700, Paul Pomes wrote:
>> Yes, the removal of data from computer networks
>> through forgery is a crime. People who do so are criminals.
>>  -  Jai Maharaj

> Not if it's done through the normal operation of the protocol.
>  -  Paul Pomes

While there is a tendency to reconcile atrocities if they
are perpetrated long enough, there is serious doubt that
forgery and censorship are among them -- no, not in a world
that is beginning to learn about true freedom.

Jai Maharaj
jai at mantra.com
Om Shanti

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